Wedding Venues in Tenby
Tenby is known for its 13th Century town walls, brightly coloured buildings, and long stretches of sandy shoreline including Castle Beach. You can also find the ruins of Tenby Castle here; they are on a headland that overlooks the harbour, usually filled with little sailboats.
Because of its romance and beauty, it is no surprise to us at all that Tenby is also filled with stunning wedding venues. Kiss your loved one on a cliffside or hand in hand on a beach, tie the knot in a centuries old hotel or manor house or get all romantic in a rural converted wedding barn. There is so much to choose from here on UKbride.
Once you have selected your dream wedding venue here, or after you’ve finished having a first time browse, head over to the blog! We upload articles on this part of the site to help you with your wedding planning. Read through the latest tips and advice to help you get started.
105 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Tenby