Wedding Venues in Worthing
Worthing has some amazing views on the shore too, with plenty of listed buildings and historic structures that could feature in your treasured wedding photographs. Take former play writer Harold Pinter’s former house, for example, the white walls and classic pillars make it a treasure to Worthing.
If you are looking for a wedding venue in and around Worthing then there is a large variety for you to choose from. Whether you want to kick your shoes off and exchange your vows on the beach or you want to go more traditional and tie-the-knot in a luxury hotel overlooking the sea, there are so many possibilities for you to explore.
UKbride has lots of wedding venues for you to browse through, and our suppliers all uploads lots of photographs so you can get a feel for the venue before you commit to taking a tour. If you decide you want to have a look, however, you can book a tour with your chosen wedding venue directly through us!
342 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Worthing