Wedding Venues in Petersfield
You may know exactly what vision you have in mind for your big day, or you may need some inspiration from our real wedding feature pages. If you use the wedding venue type filter above it conveniently separates them so you can focus on the ones that meet your requirements. Ask for a brochure, get some information and a quote, or book a tour to get a real feel for the place. Each venue will have a unique package to offer you to suit your budget and tastes.
Petersfield is full of top attractions such as the Queen Elizabeth country park, Butser Hill, The Petersfield museum and the upper house and garden. Situated in the south downs, Petersfield is home to beautiful chalk cliffs and views of the sea.
Imagine saying your vows in the traditional splendour of a Georgian house, or having your reception in a stunning country mansion with its fantastic terrace overlooking the rooftops of Petersfield, or enjoying the splendour of traditional hotel for a formal wedding breakfast or spending your evening do in a grand ballroom.
410 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Petersfield