Wedding Venues in Hawick
The wedding venues here vary from huge grand properties dripping in history to more relaxed and intimate pub restaurants for smaller wedding parties. There are even permanent marquees in Hawick and grand castles too. Make sure you book a Venue Tour for the ones you like.
The town is 10 miles from Jedburgh and just nine miles from Selkirk. It’s a very rural spot in the north of the country but it has good connections and links to the big cities. That means for guests travelling from further afield, it still makes for a great location to get married.
Once you have found the perfect wedding for you in this lovely town, head to the member request section. You may have a pressing question about wedding venues before you book. There are literally thousands and thousand of brides on UKbride that could answer your question for you, and perhaps one close to home! We’re like Facebook for brides so get chatting!
139 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Hawick