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Marquee & Tipi Weddings Wedding Venues in Surrey

Being a bordering county to Kent, you can expect brilliant transport links to central London from Surrey, which could be an important factor in your choice for a wedding venue there. Another feature you could be interested in could be the option of a marquee to have on your special day.

Having a marquee at your wedding gives you so many more options than just using the indoor space of any given wedding venue. This is because you can choose the size of your marquee and also how you use the space you have, giving you the most efficient way to organise your special day.

Surrey has many wedding venues for you to choose from, including those who have marquee packages available. You can browse through what we have listed below, all of which have lots of information including photos for you to explore the venue before you decide to book a viewing! You can actually book to have a look at any venue through the UKbride site, or even just request a brochure to be sent through your door!

If you are looking for a wedding venue in Surrey then you can expect stunning views over places such as box hill and landmarks such as the Leith tower.

3 results for Marquee & Tipi Weddings Wedding Venues in Surrey

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