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Wedding Venues in Suffolk

Being an English county situated right on the coast, you can enjoy a wide variety of wedding venues to look through and explore in Suffolk, however having a marquee on your big days means that you will have so much more to work with than just the indoor space alone.

A marquee is a luxury large tent that is perfect for functions and weddings because it adds so much space and you can choose exactly how to organise your celebration. For a wedding venue, you could utilise the space for extra seating for your guests, or you could embrace the festival theme that fits os well with a marquee wedding venue.

Suffolk is a wonderfully diverse county, which means that there will be the perfect wedding venue for you just waiting around the corner. You could opt for a stunning marquee in a coastal wedding venue, even right on the sandy beaches, just kick off your shoes and enjoy the sand between your toes. Or you could make use of a marquee just on its own if you really want to be immersed in the previously mention festival theme!

UKbride has plenty of wedding venue listed that include the use of a marquee for you to browse through and shortlist.

13 results for Wedding Venues in Suffolk

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