Wedding Tips & Advice for gifts from the UKbride Community | UKbride

Wedding Tips from our Suppliers

All of our suppliers are asked to provide tips to help brides-to-be plan their wedding. These tips can be invaluable when planning your wedding. Sort by Most Popular (as rated for by our members) or view the latest tips for an area of wedding planning you'd like advice for.

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Gifts Tips

Buy a folder to keep all your business cards and flyers you get at wedding fayres, this way you can go through and look at them all in your own time

Having a boudoir shoot is a really confidence boosting experience. Wedding nerves? You will hardly have any after we make you feel so positive about yourself.

Take your time, do your research and make sure you feel comfortable with the supplier you choose

You won't be able to confirm your honeymoon until 11 months before you go as airlines don't release flights until then

People are busy, so save the date cards are a good option

Extra large portions, deeper tiers and value for money

Never be afraid to contact a supplier and ask them for something you have not necessarily found on their website, we don't always list everything at once.

If you get married in the week it's usually cheaper and there's better availability at venues

Plan carefully, take your time, don't impulse buy, be sure about your purchases, your day will be perfect.

Your wedding day is one of the most special days, so just enjoy it!

Make planning fun - don't stress too much about it!

Keep it simple and beautiful

Mix gifts with a cash or honeymoon fund to please everyone. Some guests prefer to give cash while others would rather buy a physical gift.

Planning your Wedding can be stressful, remember, on the day itself, nothing else will matter, stay calm and enjoy the planning.

Make sure if children are invited they are kept busy with activity boxes/packs ...

Worrying is a waste of time.

Don't worry about the little things - getting married is the most important part!

Give the groom a say! Your fiancé may not have been planning his wedding since he was five, but he will definitely have his own ideas and opinions. Listen to his desires also, so both are happy

Do what makes you happy

Helping hands. Delegate and ask for help! You'll be surprised how many people want to be part of your special day! It will make them feel good and lighten your load!

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