Wedding Forum - will I get my dream wedding?? or no wedding at all????

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Wedding Forum - Will I get my dream wedding?? or no wedding...

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    • Mrs Buzzlightyear
      CommentAuthorMrs Buzzlightyear
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    its crunch week for h2b.....(without going into all the details).....h2b finds out on friday what our future holds - If what we want to happen, happens, all our worries are over - dream wedding hear we come

    If the worst happens - we wont be able to afford food and water, never mind a wedding (slight exaggeration - I hope =-s)

    I am totaly worried out of my mind - my hair is falling out - I cant keep any food down - am having panic attacks - havnt slept in days - I keep coming on here to try and keep my mind off it........

    my bridesmaids keep askinig me about the wedding, I am embarrised and dont want to tell anyone (except you thousands of what do I tell people??????

    Members signature icon
    Cant wait for my Tiffany & co, wedding - July 16th 2011

    • x~Hails~x
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Without knowing anything babe all i can say is dont worry till you have to. I know that is a lot blood y easier said then done tho.
    As for telling ppl just tell them you have decided to postpone so that you can save for it, so you know you have the money there and how much.

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    UKBride moderator both on here and on facebook

    For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart
    It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
    • Mrs fairytale
      CommentAuthorMrs fairytale
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Awww hun fingers crossed for u. try not to panic to much i know its hard, but i will work it out one way or another as long as u get married to the man u love that is all that really matters. if u told your bridesmaids about what is going on they might suprise u at least u would beable to talk to them about how u are feeling as well hun, they are there to support u so let them xxx

    Members signature icon
    cant wait to renew my vows, love my hubby sssssooooo much xx

    • Walesfromafar
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Just say that you havent made any firm decisions yet and that you're taking things slowly and that as long as you're marrying the man of your dreams that it doesnt matter when you get married. Tell them that you're enjoying being engaged and loving being the future Mrs x.
    Whatever it meant to be will be and you often find that (please ignore the cliches) as one door shuts another one opens. You WILL be able to have your wedding and it WILL be the wedding of your dreams. You might just have to wait a little bit longer and be patient. Stay strong and keep the faith babes x
    • Suzi
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Oh hun it must be so hard for you but as Hails said, cross that bridge when you come to it! You maybe causing yourself unnecessary stress and worry! I really hope everything works out for you!

    Members signature icon
    Do not disturb... Already disturbed enough!

    • alibum
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Big (((hugs))) and lots of fingers crossed for so sorry that your having to go through this but if the outcome isn't what you want can you not just have a smaller wedding at a later date because ultimately its about your commitment to each other whether its a £50 quid registry office or a £15 grand castle do, also just ignore bms questions until you know any more and why do you feel embarrassed ? your friends will probably support you if they knew the stress your under.xx
    • Possum
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Fingers crossed!
    I'm with the others, just say you haven't decided on anything yet.
    hugs xx
    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    OHHHHHHHHH sweetie i`m so sorry you are having to go through this , if i can do anything to help AND YES I DO MEAN IT .....please just shout long and hard

    sending you masses of hugs xxxxxx

    • Mrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      CommentAuthorMrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We'll all keep our fingers crossed for you both hun..& we're always around or at least one or two of us depending on time of day if you ever need a chat.

    The BM's can just wait, it's still 15 months for you both just now, they need to let you breathe a little bit I think..just let them know you have not quite got an firm idea on things & are taking things one step at a time just now.

    Hugs your way hun..hope it works out :)
    • CommentAuthorMrs Daltry
    sweetheart in this climate people all over are having to pospone weddings,no one will think any less of you,wait to see what happens then just tell people that for now you have to put the wedding on hold due to personal circumstances,,,,big hugs x~x~x
    • Faye
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    (((HUGS))) X X X X X X X

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