Wedding Forum - Whose house to leave from?

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    • MrsNicholls2B
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My parents have been separated since I was little and my dad has a partner who he has been with for many years, however im not sure whose house I should leave from on the morning of the wedding, I could stay in a hotel but I would like to be picked up for the ceremony from one of their houses, any help would be much appreciated thanks :)
    • clairenina
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I think it's best to do what you feel comfortable and happy with. Our honeymoon suite was available at our venue from 12pm. We both stayed at home the night before, but my fiance slept downstairs, and we didn't see each other on the morning of our wedding. After he left to go to his Mum & Dad's I got my things, and went to have my hair done etc, before getting ready in ur honeymoon suite
    • MrsNicholls2B
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    my partner will be staying at our house with our son I think, im wondering if I should stay at the venue the night before then go and have my hair done etc on the morning, then possibly go to one of my parents house's to be picked up for the ceremony, there is so much to think about!
    • Flossie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I think it would make sense to be picked up from your dad's house so that he is with you for the journey and then ready to walk you down the aisle. Or you could stay with your mum but then go round to your dad's in the morning x

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    Happily married
    18th June 2016
    • Whovianbride
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Do what you want personally I would pick your mums, as getting ready in the morning with your mum and girls is really fun, then you could either ask your day to come over before the car arrives and do the first look of him setting you all ready, or could get in car and pick him up on route.

    But that's me, but my dad will not be at my wedding.

    Members signature icon
    Met June 2009 on my Birthday,Met again July 2009 and got
    together, May 2010 Moved in,Jan 2011 got pregnant,
    August 2011 Got our own place, 2011 Had our Baby Girl,
    Dec 2011 Got engaged, July 2015 Getting married! Yay!

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