Wedding Forum - What time??

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    • princesspixie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    just thinking about ordering our invites but don't know what time to say it starts. Do I put the start time of the ceremony or what time guests should start arriving or both? And if both how should I word it?



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    • Flossie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I'd just put the time the ceremony starts, people should have the common sense to know they need to be there and seated by that time! For example we are just putting "Ceremony to start at 2.00pm".

    If you say an earlier time you run the risk of people turning up even earlier than that and then they will be waiting around for a good while x

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    • VictoriaL46
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I just put the time the ceremony starts on the invite otherwise I would have people arriving extra early and milling about.

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    • Glitterfairy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Yep, I just put the ceremony time

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    • RachaelB76
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    like the girsl have said time ceremony starts x

    • CommentAuthorMidgetGem89
    We put the ceremony time bt then i second guessed myself cos h2b started tellin his mates to b there 3.30
    the ceremony is meant to start 3.30! so my plan is to be about 10mins late lol for this reason only(vicar has allowed me 30mins i already mentioned my concerns to her lol). Plus his mam is the biggest c0w going and will turn up either after me or at the same time as me(yes i dare bet she will go out her way to make her own entrance!!)
    Once im in there is no1 allowed in the church after me. So shes got a bit extra time to show how horrible she is before i get there lol x
    • VictoriaL46
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    MidgetGem89 Just have someone shut the doors on the place when you arrive so she can't get in lol. I'm having the door of the venue closed just before the ceremony starts to ensure that this very thing doesn't happen on my day.

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    • InDreamland
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I put the ceremony time on the invites then kindly requested guests to arrive to be seated 30 minutes before in the additional information sheet included with the invite and RSVP card. .

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    • MrsC2bee
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I wondered this too, :) but no doubt I'll be late anyway haha x
    • CommentAuthorMidgetGem89
    Victoria thats my plan ;-) once im in doors must remain shut!

    Our invited were pretty basic. Most ppl will have sence to arrive at least by 3.20
    just make sure if any1 asks u say the ceremony STARTS at about that time so pls get there before then lol dnt do what my h2b did and say be there at.... (ceremony starting time!) - this was for ppl he invited after the invites had gone out so rly he shud of been a bit more specific lol
    • InDreamland
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Luckily for a couple of my friends I was 20 minutes late as apparently they arrived just before I did, 1 was 20 minutes late. They apparently got pulled over by the cops lol!

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    • princesspixie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    thanks guys just a bit concerned about my grandma she's late for everything (even been late to funerals before) lol xx

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    • Flossie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Is there a family member who can make sure she is on time? Pick her up or something? xx

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    • princesspixie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    possibly but if she makes them late they'll not be happy im sure i can figure something out xx

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    Officially married my best friend 2/5/2015 (secretly)
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    • PaigeEmily
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    could you not put an earlier time on just her invite so if she is late she arrives at the same time as everyone else

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    • KirstyR386
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    A few people were late to our friends wedding and arrived after the bride. So we have put "Bride to arrive at 1.30pm" so everyone knows to be there and seated before then. X
    • PaigeEmily
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    thats a good idea kirsty i must remember that when i do my invites x

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    Mr and Mrs Wilson to be

    • Elinor Claire
      CommentAuthorElinor Claire
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Most people arrive early for the ceremony to have a chance to get settled. As long as you say "ceremony starts at" then I think you'll be fine. If you know there are particular people who are not good at getting places on time then arrange something to get them there early. I remember one occasion when two member of the choir that I sing with were getting married, so of course we were singing. We'd got there very early so that we had time to rehearse before guests started arriving. One member of the choir who was notoriously bad for time-keeping was not there to rehearse, and ran to his seat just before the procession entered. We later heard that he pulled up to the traffic lights on the way to the church right next to the bride's car!

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