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Wedding Forum - Wedding photographers - pah!...

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    • CommentAuthorKevsgirl
    we are wedding photographers in Kent too, and yes, we do have a top package, that is all day photography, CD, traditional album, 2 parents photo books and a selection of prints, but yes, we do have a basic package too, so we try and cater for all budgets and do bespoke packages too.

    • CupCake
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Glad you found one Goff! well done ..... x

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    Became Mrs Lyons 30th July 2011 x

    • linzi
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    cheapest one i could find in my area is £700!! Everyone else about the £1000 mark for a CD, and no album! The guy I really want is £1400, his photos are amazing and is exactly my style. Just a pity I cant afford him. I'm still on the look out for a photographer i like, that is less than £1000. All we want is the CD, we'll make our own album later when we can afford it.

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    I don’t repeat gossip so listen very carefully!!
    Started Slimming World - 23/03/2011 - 2 Stone to lose!
    Total Loss = 1 stone 7 lbs.
    As at 23/11 - 3 days before the wedding.
    [Declaration of interest, I'm a wedding photographer]

    You get what you pay for - if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

    OK, I understand that what you see is someone turn up for three or four hours work and charge a fortune. Understandably you think that's expensive.

    But, your wedding book is your first family heirloom - it's where YOUR family starts, it's the only think you will have from your wedding for the rest of your life (in fact probably after the first year). The food is down the toilet, the flowers are in skip - it's all gone next day. (Oh your dress might be in the loft).

    I've been married 25 years - every one of those years we have looked at our album.

    I cannot tell you what food we ate, what colour the chair covers were, even if we had them, can't recall the flowers, the bar bill. But our wedding album - I would never lose that.

    If your house caught fire what's the first thing you'd save - it's not going to be toaster that was a wedding present?

    I emplore you to consider the second most valueable part of your wedding as being your starting point (your H2B is first of course).

    So, how come some photographers are £300 and some are £3,000? It's simple, they charge more because they are better, more professional, more skilled.

    I teach photographers, I know absolutely that when they start out they know so little. I teach photographers because I've built my skills over the years and any other "expensive" photographer is the same.

    Also, top class photographers have access to top class materials that Uncle Joe does not, our hand-made Italian albums are not available except through selected photographers.

    So, please spend the money on the thing that will last: £3,000 for an hour's worth of food or a lifetime of memories?

    - Simon Walden, Wedding Photographer
    • candy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    we were quoted 800 for one man to do four hours a cd and 20 yes some may be skilled but some just take the pi$$
    • aardvark7
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I joined, simply to answer some of the disgraceful slurs and misunderstandings about photographers,

    First, this idea that the only work done is what you see on the day is a complete nonsense. It can take twice as long as the initial taking of the pictures to process the images and put them into an album. That doesn't include the initial visit, the follow up visit to go through the plans and the final delivery visit.

    Then there is the equipment; £20,000 is a MINIMUM!!! (and that doesn't include the car).

    To give everyone a comparison, that so many brides seem to take for granted, one wedding I did recently, the hair and make-up cost the bride £360 for her and the bridesmaids. 4 hours and almost no capital expenditure and I believe that is fairly standard.
    I was at the wedding for 14 hours, with only a short break in the middle, I have another 20 hours to do on the shots and after raw material costs am looking at about £300. That is at least 40 hours all in which gives £7.50 an hour and doesn't include ANY expenses!!!! So, while the hair and make-up lady gets £90 an hour, I am getting less than the minimum wage.

    It is, quite frankly, ludicrous and the only way I can continue is by working long int the night when the rest of you are cuddled up watching Eastenders, etc.

    To add insult to injury, woe betide me if you don't look stunning, even if you don't make the slighest effort to help (I have lost track of the number of couples that seem to think the photographer can magically create a fairytale backdrop when they can't be bothered to do anything other than stand in the lounge of the tacky hotel they booked).

    I then come across sites like this where endless people rant and rave about not being able to knock another 50 quid of the 'ridiculous' prices photographers charge. It is no wonder I can't manage to raise my prices to a sensible and economic level.

    You all should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves.

    While we understand that you are defending the amount of work that you personaly do , this is not the place for you to disparage the feeling or opinions of the brides here,they are all talking from personal experiance ...and as in any business they will be photographers who will charge alot of money and not deliver what has been promised.
    If you have a problem with anything that is being said on the forum site feel free to contact one of the moderators
    If you would like to advertize on the site please feel free to contact J who will be more than happy to talk to you about fees.

    • Faeth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I understand your anger - but this is a bride's website, and it is frowned on to sign up just to either stick up for, or rubbish a certain issue/supplier.

    Unless you are getting married yourself (in which case you'd actually understand the budgetary pressures that couples are under), or are willing to go off and sign up as a supplier as all the other wedding photographers on here have done, I respectfully request you don't get further involved.

    What any market needs is options, and there is nothing at all wrong with a bride wanting to be able to find a supplier they can afford, and they may well be happy to accept that they won't get the same quality and service for £300 that they would get for £3000.

    You seem to have missed the part where people are complaining at hundred's of pounds being charged just for a CD of unedited images taken during a couple of hours..... surely you have to agree that is not value for money.... I don't think anyone would complain at more money being charged if there was a presentation DVD, an album etc etc.....

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    "Of course I'm not wedding obsessed!!"

    • CommentAuthorSpecialSundae
    Faeth, while I'm all for finding people budget photographers, I have to agree that I really get fed up of the rants about how much of a rip-off photographers are. It seems to be a never ending refrain on this forum and while Aardvark probably shouldn't really be here, I agree with everything he said.
    • Kaya
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    I got quoted £3000 for a photographer.... how on earth can THAT be justified?

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    Now Mrs Cobb!!!!!! :-D

    • Kaya
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    And Faeth.....

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    Now Mrs Cobb!!!!!! :-D

    • Faeth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Oh I have no problem with both sides of an argument, and there are photography suppliers on here who have calmly and reasonably explained exactly where the costs come from, which is great :-)

    But I don't think it's right for someone to come on here, who is obviously a supplier, but is too afraid of hurting his business by expressing a rant under his proper name, so creates an account specifically to do such a thing, so we don't know who he really is.

    We have some great suppliers on here who are not afraid to say what they need to say in a professional manner under the banner of their proper names.

    But the suppliers also need to realise that this is, for many brides, a place to vent our frustrations, and I don't think anyone can deny that people will blatantly whack up their prices if the word wedding is slapped in front of stuff.

    I have seen photographers advertising the costs to do "event photography", which consist of much of the same services as informal wedding shots, but is a good couple of hundred pounds cheaper than something relating to a wedding.

    I even had a supplier at a wedding fair say that he would charge £200 to photography my evening reception, and when I checked on their website, their evening event cost was £175 - now I know that's only £25 more, but it's the principle that it's okay to slap on more money coz it's a wedding.

    But yeah I agree we do rehash the same old arguments over and over on here - but I don't think you're ever gonna stop that - hehe :-)

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    "Of course I'm not wedding obsessed!!"

    • Kaya
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    Yeh, I've had loads of suppliers quote me more than the price on their website.... think they think they can get away with it cos we've only got 3 months to go!
    Also had a supplier who offered us 10% off and then changed his mind when we came to pay final balance... soo he was quickly dropped! It's silly cos we would've paid full price.... just the principle of him going back on his word!

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    Now Mrs Cobb!!!!!! :-D

    • Unknown
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    i think you are being a little bit harsh aardvark7! us brides to be come on here for help and occassionally rant so i dont think it is fair that you go off on one about us moaning about photographers!

    this thread was orignally about a bride looking for a photographer to do her photos and then put them straight on disc! i imagine uploading them from camers to computer the to a disc would take a MAXIMUM or 2 hours and she couldnt undestand why she was getting quoted so much!

    Photographer is one of the biggest expenses for a bride to be and we feel that when the word wedding is mentioned people not just photographers add on the pounds. Can you blame us for trying to get a little money off when we are spending thousands of pounds on one day??!!

    When ever the word wedding is mentioned businesses seem to think they can add money onto their prices which is just wrong!

    So please do not come on here moaning! As i have said you are actually earning more than a lot of people and should be happy that you at least have a skill and can get work!

    As for you saying you cant raise your long as you are making a profit on each wedding does it really matter?

    for your information that national minimum wage is £5.93 so the way you work it out you are on far more than that!! It is your choice to be a photographer so please do not moan about it!! you could always change your job!

    on the other hand i do understand it must take a while to do albums but we just begrudge spending so much money when we know we are getting ripped off!

    • Ataraxia
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Well said, Faeth and mrsbarkertobe!!!!

    One thing I have noticed about photography is the cost of the equipment is used as a reason for higher prices. Regardless of what the equipment cost, that's not the couple's responsibility as far as I can see? Even if the equipment does cost £20k, with what some photographers charge they make that back after a dozen weddings...a busy photographer can do that in a year or less and still make a profit. Like mrsbarkertobe said, you choose to do the job you do and the way it works out is you get paid as much as everyone else does.

    To hear some photographers talk you would think that each couple has to personally account for the photographer's training and equipment costs! There are very few professions in which your training and experience mean you get paid more as a rule... when I graduate, whatever job I do get my employer is not bound to pay me more after a set amount of years experience, unless they choose to do so. My employer will not be expected to pay me more for the years I spent in training or the equipment I have needed to work - my wage stays the same unless I am lucky enough to get promoted or earn a pay rise.

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    Got married 27th June and blessed on July 5th 2012
    Finally Mrs M :3

    Love, love... Here we are.
    • Linzie Liverpool.
      CommentAuthorLinzie Liverpool.
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    im in liverpool and have found my photographer. He is charging us 750 which incudes

    shots of bride and family whilst getting ready
    photos during church and after
    photos during afternoon reception
    photos in evening recep
    2 albulms of our choosen photos
    canvas print
    cd with all images on
    nite time he puts our images of daytime on projector for us and guests to see.
    keyrings an small photos can be purchased on nite aswell.
    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Ladies i have read the comments by aardvark7 left ,have edited and left my comments ... i will be keeping and eye on this

    Lala Mod

    • Jane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Our photographers (2 of them) are charging £300, having them from 12.30 till about 6pm, 100 pics on CD that we can print ourselves and rest of pics on their website that we can order/family can order if we wish, and also the option to have a photobook made up with leather binding (look brilliant - we saw samples and were very impressed) for about £100 - £110. So it can be done cheaply and with a good photographer. Their portfolio is excellent. Spending more doesnt always = better quality or better service.

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    • Liz3yy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Photography can cost a lot unfortunately. We have hired a husband and wife team local to us, we chose them after viewing their work online and meeting with them to see their set up, and to see if we got on with them.

    Our package which includes both of them for the whole day, plus an engagement shoot a month before the wedding, a webpage with all our pics on, a DVD slideshow and a 30 page leather bound album is £2,150. It's a lot of money and is the biggest expense in our wedding plans, but we are happy as we know they will do a good job and have a fantastic reputation. (OH seems to think his Mum will pay for it, but I'm not holding my breath!)

    I would much rather spend this money for good quality lasting photos that we can admire for years to come then compromise.

    That is of course my opinion and I'm not knocking anyone for their choices :)

    Can't wait until the day I become Mrs. Johnson :)

    • Ssgreen
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    • MrsMelodyWalker
    I totally agree with you Sarah, it is quite shocking people moan about photographers when they are the only people who will be making sure you have memories of your big day for life but how you've put it is really rude and I don't think there is any need for it.

    My photographer is charging me £860 for his most expensive package. That includes hiring him for the whole day and evening, a beautiful leather album with as many photo's in that I like and all edited photo's on disk.

    He's a highly qualified experienced photographer and a lovely guy and he doesn't charge "as much" because shooting wedding's isn't his main income, he's a photographer and editor for a magazine.

    It took me a long time to find him but I did, so it is possible to find someone who won't give you "shocking photographs" to fit into a little budget

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    All of my dreams come true the day I married you, Mr Walker
    Remember Remember The 5th of November
    • MrsMelodyWalker
    Oh you've deleted your comment, I'm not surprised :-)

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    All of my dreams come true the day I married you, Mr Walker
    Remember Remember The 5th of November
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I agree with Ssgreen, £300 you all most be poor!
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My 3year old will do it for that!
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    What is your budget for photography Melody?
    • Mrsd
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    im paying £120 for mine, i dont think calling us brides poor is very nice?
    • MrsMelodyWalker
    Frenchy, I don't have a budget for photography as I want to make sure I don't end up with photographs I will be disappointed with but when I met the photographer I have booked and seen his work and had a photo shoot with him I realised you didn't have to spend thousands of pounds to have the best! But poor or not, my budget is not your business :-)

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    All of my dreams come true the day I married you, Mr Walker
    Remember Remember The 5th of November
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    £120. OMG! who, are they 14 and studying GCSE photography?
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm just shocked you are all expecting a photographer with skill to work for less than minimum wage!
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Good luck with your weddings!
    • Mrsd
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Frenchy your trolling is hilarious, im a disabled bride & cant afford alot, but funny enough i found decent photographer that does registry office he isnt a child like you?
    • MrsMelodyWalker
    Excuse me but where in any of my post's have I said I expect them to work for minimum wage? My photographer made up his prices, not me! And I don't see how just under £900 is cheap!

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    All of my dreams come true the day I married you, Mr Walker
    Remember Remember The 5th of November
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Under £1500 is cheep!
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    £850 works out around £11 per hour for the hours put into wedding photography, that is cheep!
    • MrsMelodyWalker
    I'd rather have a nice guy, who will work hard then pay thousands of pounds for someone who is rude and ignorant and only there for the money!

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    All of my dreams come true the day I married you, Mr Walker
    Remember Remember The 5th of November
    • x~Hails~x
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Frenchy/ssgreen please dont be rude to our members we have a "Get along with all members" rule here on ukbride.
    If your budget can afford more then other members, then good for you your one of the lucky ones.
    However if a bride is only paying £120/300 for hers perhaps thats for a reason, like maybe they are friends with a photographer and they have done them a deal because of it. Maybe they are straight out of college and need the work to build there portfolio, perhaps they are just having a c.d................whatever the case just because they are maybe paying less then you doesnt mean they are not getting a FANTASTIC photographer.

    Please read our rule thread above

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    UKBride moderator both on here and on facebook

    For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart
    It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    All photographer that charge £1500 are rude and only do it for the money? All photographer do it for the money, so they can pay the bills!
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I wont comment again, ta ta.
    • Mrsd
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hails that troll should be banned!
    • Faeth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Maybe I have a suspicious mind, but, joined today, 9 posts made today - all in here - created for the purpose maybe?

    Members signature icon
    "Of course I'm not wedding obsessed!!"

    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm waiting under a bridge for you!
    • MrsMelodyWalker
    frenchy hasn't read the rules because it's just a photographer having a whine that it's not getting much work because most brides have sense and won't pay thousands of pounds for some photo's. frenchy isn't here to plan a wedding, it's here to criticise.

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    All of my dreams come true the day I married you, Mr Walker
    Remember Remember The 5th of November
    • x~Hails~x
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My photographer charges £1500 and shes in no way rude, in fact shes turned into a VERY good friend since we met!

    You obviously havent met the right photographers if you think they are all rude.

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    UKBride moderator both on here and on facebook

    For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart
    It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
    • MrsMelodyWalker
    Frenchy, I wasn't referring to all photographers. I was referring to you!

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    All of my dreams come true the day I married you, Mr Walker
    Remember Remember The 5th of November
    • Frenchy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    This post has been added to a photographers post and there are a lot of shocked and angry photographers that have read this. Well done sherlock, I'm not a photographer but I'm not a bride either. Most of you probably shop in Asda and dine out in McDonnalds!
    • MrsMelodyWalker
    Your a disgrace

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    All of my dreams come true the day I married you, Mr Walker
    Remember Remember The 5th of November
    • Faeth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Internet Rulez #1 - Do Not Feed the Troll

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    "Of course I'm not wedding obsessed!!"

    • MrsMelodyWalker
    Not everyone has the luxury of spending thousands of pounds on a photographer and if you think EVERY bride should, then your in the wrong industry.

    Goodbye :-)

    Members signature icon
    All of my dreams come true the day I married you, Mr Walker
    Remember Remember The 5th of November

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