So I ordered my save the dates the other day, well in advance as I won't be sending them until the very end of November this year, but we wanted them to be our xmas cards as well (photo's of them are in my album if you want to see what I mean) so I thought I would take advantage of the new year sales. Found a great deal and ordered 3 boxes of 10 cards on a 3 for 2 deal saving myself £20 perfect!!! Well they arrived this morning and I've been sent the order twice (checked all my invoices and defo only paid once)! So I now have 60 personalised STD's. The thing is we can only have 65 day guest!! So I was thinking, as I don't want to have loads of STD's go to waste (and as we are getting married on New Years Eve) would it cause too much confusion if I sent STD's out to my Evening guests as well as my day guests? Will people be disappointed if they receive a STD then later find out they're only invited to the Evening? What would you do?
31/12/2017 A New Year, A New Life, A New Husband and Wife
CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
I sent save the dates to evening guests too so go for it
Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016
CommentAuthorMrs D2B
Did you not have evening guest who assumed they were invited to the whole day because they received a STD? I just don't want to upset anyone
31/12/2017 A New Year, A New Life, A New Husband and Wife
I wouldn't send save the dates to evening guests as I wouldn't want them to think they were being invited to the whole day. They could book time off work in preparation etc. only to find they didn't need to. If I did send save the dates to evening guests I would send "save the evenings" so there'd be no confusion xx
Happily married
18th June 2016
CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
I sent my save the dates out along time ago. We had too many that's the only reason we sent them to all guests
Given that you are getting married NYE I don't think there's any harm sending to all guests as the people you want there for the evening may arrange to do something else for it so wouldn't then be able to come. If they have a STD they would know you have arranged something in advance.
Met in 2009
He proposed Jan 2014
Will become Mrs P 7th October 2017
Emily makes a good point - I'd forgotten it was NYE you were getting married. I think a STD in some form may be wise in that case, unless you just send your invitations out earlier x
Happily married
18th June 2016
I sent STDs to evening guests too, for yours being NYE I'd definitely get them out to evening guests x
Married the love of my life on Saturday 11th May 2013 xxx
Had our dream perfect honeymoon in Hawaii!
You could send 'save the evening' cards to your evening guests that way there is no confusion as to when they are invited x
Got together on 14th March 2010
Got engaged on 25th December 2013
Became Mrs P on 14th May 2016 - best day ever!
CommentAuthorMrs D2B
I think I will send them to all then! The thing is because they're already printed (the extra one's weren't ordered just a surprise) they read "Please Save the Date as we are getting married on 31st December 2017 in St Austell, Cornwall Formal Invitations to follow" If I wrote a note saying something along the lines of "we'd love you to join us in the evening" would this look weird? Thank you for all your opinions so far!!
31/12/2017 A New Year, A New Life, A New Husband and Wife
Not if you included a list of nearby hotels so that people can prepare and book those in advance if they wish to.
Could put that in all.
Met in 2009
He proposed Jan 2014
Will become Mrs P 7th October 2017
I don't think that would look weird at all, they will want to know which part of the wedding they are invited to and that's a polite way of letting them know :)
Got together on 14th March 2010
Got engaged on 25th December 2013
Became Mrs P on 14th May 2016 - best day ever!
I would write the extra note in them just to be sure there was no confusion. X
I agree with Emma and Kirsty, don't think it would look weird at all and will avoid confusion too xx
We sent save the dates to evening guests as well as day guests :o)
We sent save the dates to evening guests as we had a few left over. We just wrote a little note on the back saying we would like them to join us for the evening.
Met in 2007
Started dating in 2009
Got engaged in 2014
Became Mrs Holme 11.06.16
We've been using our spare save the dates to invite people just to the church to watch the ceremony such as some of the ladies in my pilates class. I think some of them are more excited than some of our day guests lol as they're always asking questions about how its going. X
Send them to the being guests as well, especially as its NYE. You could always print off something yourself instead of hand writing on them?