h2b has said how much he would love a photobooth at our wedding, has anyone booked one or been to a wedding with one? Have been looking at some websites and they seem quite pricey but do look a good laugh xx
Ive never had one but my friend did at hers and the photos looked awesome! I dont know how long ago but someone on here recently got married and said that the photobooth was definitely one of the best things they could of done! all props/accessories were provided and had endless hours of fun, defo worth the pennies so they say!
Every Once In a While In The Middle of an Ordinary Life
. . . Love Gives Us a Fairytale. . .
Thank lula, does look so much fun. Think will wait and see how money goes and will book it, if have pennies left haha. xx
Yeh think thats what my friend did, after managing to save some money on other bits they had enough left over to put one in!
Every Once In a While In The Middle of an Ordinary Life
. . . Love Gives Us a Fairytale. . .
How much do they tend to be? I'd love something like this for our after party but were on a super tight budget. Can anyone think of a cheap alternative way?
I really like the idea as it would bring fun to the day, especially after a couple of drinks but i couldnt afford one. x
bring your own party props?? the big sunglasses, blow up guitars, pinatas etc and disposable cameras? google photobooths and look at their pics for inspiration? cheating i know, but no doubt cheaper?x
Every Once In a While In The Middle of an Ordinary Life
. . . Love Gives Us a Fairytale. . .
I'm in Scotland and on the websites that cover my area it ranges from 500-700 depending on what you want. You can get your names and the date of the wedding on the photos so its a nice keepsake for the guests xx
Yeah I was thinking Polaroid camera and a post box, so people take their pics then post them in the box.
Aw TeganandRob that would be a awesome idea...well depending on how many drinks certain guests have depending on what sort of photos may be posted...nice surprise for you and h2b to open up the next day!
Every Once In a While In The Middle of an Ordinary Life
. . . Love Gives Us a Fairytale. . .
Some photographers will source one for you for a discounted rate, or even might have one themselves and do a deal if you use them as a photographer. I think they are fantastic, it was the first thing on my to do list!!
Found one for £500 which includes - Booth Hire, Choice of Memory Album, 2 Attendants, Prop Box, Choice of Personalised Print, Web Gallery, Facebook (optional), Disc of all images. Sounds good deal compared to ones i have seen xx
I would love one but we just cant stretch the budget that far! iv never been to a wedding with one but know people who have and they all thought they were great!x
My friend had one at her wedding and it was just fantastic, some of the photos were hilarious and she said she's so glad she had it because it's all people went on about for weeks afterwards and it's also left her with some funny memories to look back on xx
We have hired one for our day £450- so its worth shopping around xx
CommentAuthorMrs Forrest :-)
We are doing our own. We wont be using our own camera on the day so decided to just set that up with some props which we can borrow from friends etc. By using our camera means we get to look at all the photos after on the memory card and just send them to people on email and FB etc.... saves a lot of money :-) xx
my friend at work had a fun pod at her wedding which wasnt a booth but just a plain white backdrop with lights and a dressing up box so that you werent limited to the amount of people that could go in each time and because the company were just setting up they only charged her £100 for all night - they got loads of nice pics and they were all put on a disc - we wanted one but havent made our mind up yet
Met Matt at 10 years old
Marrying him at 27 years old
I can't wait to be Mrs Eminson on the 8th June 2013
CommentAuthormrs clarke to be
My friend just went to a wedding with one of the booths and said was amazing and had a lot of fun I seen the photos and looked fab , I would be the same as you and wait till the end to see on money as they are exspensive xx
CommentAuthorHayley Elizabeth
My friend had one at her wedding and it was so much fun. OH and i had made quite a few friends at her wedding and we have some funny drunken photos from there (you get to keep a set and the other goes in a photo book for b+g). We're thinking of doing one but bringing our own fancy dress to make it more fun. Of course when i say 'we'... it's a royal we ;) lol! xx
We have found one for £425 for 3 hours with a guests book, two assistants and you get a disk with all the pictures on as well as unlimited print outs and I got all excited and now H2b has told me they are stupid and he doesn't want one anymore :( x
Love: A wildly misunderstood, although highly desirable,
malfunction of the heart.
37 Pounds down, 22 pounds to go! I will be a skinny bride!
28th March 2014 will be the day I marry my best friend.
I entered a competition to win one and sadly I did not. I'd love to have one but just can't stretch the budget that far. (frowny face) xxx
Lizzy. x
We have booked one too costs £395...meant to be £495 but booked at the wedding fayre so got the discount. It will be ready for 7:30pm in the evening and leave 11ish... Its not a photobooth its called a photo kiosk so its just the backdrop instead of the enclosed booth.
Its manned with 2 people, all the props, does video messages too. The guest gets to have a copy of the photo with mine & hubbys name & date of wedding on at the bottom. We also get a copy which goes in a photo album & all onto a disk too. unlimited photos & unlimited videos :)
looking forward to it, but as some people know i was a bit septical about it but think im overcoming them as long as it gets used :D
30-11-13 my life becomes complete
Mrs Solomon to be
Wish I could afford one of these x x
CommentAuthorOfficially Mrs M
we really wanted one but we couldn't find the money in the budget
8th September 2012 I married my best friend
1st September 2014 our little family grew by one
Women are made to be loved, not understood. - Oscar Wilde
CommentAuthorTHE nice bridezilla
Hi, i have just booked one for our wedding its £450 for the whole night 6-12 and thats endless photo's and a CD of us to keep. We are in somerset so if you are around here i could put thier name on your wall. My advice is to look around though. some places charge after the first 100 photo's, i got quoted 50p a photo so be carfull cos you could end up with a huge bill at the end of the night.
Funtasia is one i've seen at wedding fairs - looks really good but not sure of the price.
We're kind of doing our own; we're having two photographers, so will bring our own props and have one photographer set up in a side room for a short time to do a mock photo-booth. We get all the images taken on a disc with our package, so will then give guests a print each, probably with their thank you cards.
I really like the photos you get with photo booths because they're so much fun, but don't want to shell out on a proper one when we have two perfectly good photographers to use.
i want one but dont think i can afford it so were gonna get a friend who dose photography to take photos with props were gonna make and against a backdrop xx
i think they look great!!!x
Marrying "the 1" on 4th Oct 2013
I really want a photobooth but h2b thinks its a complete waste of money :( ive had a look around and seem to be around the £500 mark so quite pricey. :(
This is definitely on my to have list, I love the idea, I have also seen a company that provide a backdrop, props and photographer as opposed to a traditional photobooth and that is much cheaper xx
4th April 2014 - I get married to my soul mate
Thats what i have basically NEDebz... they provide the backdrop, its 2 pillars, one with the sign on with printer behind & the other is like a tv.. but it comes manned with 2 staff, all the props, & i get a copy of all the photos & videos, also the guests gets a copy of their photo too... everything is unlimited. I paid £395 Im in the Plymouth area if you wanted their details.
30-11-13 my life becomes complete
Mrs Solomon to be
Oo stacey could you post the details on my wall please as im in torquay! xx
I think they are well worth the money and luckily for me my photographer does these for free with our photography package! xxx
Got together 14.02.2008
Got engaged 31.12.2010
Will become a Mrs on 30.08.2014 xxxxxx
All done Becki xx
30-11-13 my life becomes complete
Mrs Solomon to be
Tatty we've got a booth for our wedding at Lazaat's that sounds the same deal as you've stated but it's slightly cheaper. If you're going to go for one let me know and I'll tell you the company name. They're only based in Hessle on the outskirts of Hull and travel all over the place. I soooo can't wait for them to be at our evening do after feedback from other people who've had them. :) Was £350 so a 75 saving on what you've put x
CLareE, could you please message me the company :) x
Love: A wildly misunderstood, although highly desirable,
malfunction of the heart.
37 Pounds down, 22 pounds to go! I will be a skinny bride!
28th March 2014 will be the day I marry my best friend.
Just popped a message on your wall :) x
Thank you x
Love: A wildly misunderstood, although highly desirable,
malfunction of the heart.
37 Pounds down, 22 pounds to go! I will be a skinny bride!
28th March 2014 will be the day I marry my best friend.
my son had one it was brill fun we all spent ages in there and they got an album of all the pictures taken plus we got copies of our pictures as well I have some great ones of my 2 boys and daughter in laws with me.....
I've decided to create our own.. DIY enthusiast in me can't help... so moustaches/glasses/top hats etc on sticks, hoping to use polaroid camera but the film is quite expensive, so maybe throw in some disposable camera's too!! It would be nice if the budget could stretch to a professional one....xxx