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    • MrsPrestleton2be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    the photographer we have booked has been very slack in his communication. its only just over 6 weeks until the wedding and only yesterday did he contact us regarding the pre shoot we were promised. I have already paid £150 deposit to him with another £250 to pay which he wants at the pre shoot this weekend. we have been quoted by someone else just £250 for everything that the first is offering and doesn't want paying until after the wedding. what would you do? should I stick to the first and ask him to pay on the day of wedding (as I'm worried he wont turn up) or loose the deposit and go with the other offer? I am so scared as our first photographer cancelled on us due to him having an operation the week before our wedding.

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    • MrsC2Be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    hi have you signed a contract with your photographer? have you spoken to him about your concerns? are they reliable photographers as its a very cheap price (lucky for you!)

    if your that worried then go for the other photographer as you would have to pay £250 either way x

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    • CommentAuthorNicolaB7220
    Our photographer wasn't great with contact to be honest but her work is great and I loved it so we stuck with it. I just think she's so creative that 'organisation' is not top of her priority list. I know that doesn't help the person booking her but sometimes, people like that, with a talent see the admin as a side part. Everything was perfect, everything I had confirmed she had noted, she turned up when she said she would and the pictures were great.
    • StephanieM158
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I dont think many companies really contact you until closer to the time. Our venue was just the same and i havent even heard anything about my dress yet. :-0

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    • MrsPrestleton2be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Thank you all. I think I'm just so worried with the last photographer cancelling on us. I will see what his work is like at our pre shoot Sunday

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    met 2008
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    • FayeH
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    If you're that worried I'd ask if you could pay £125 at the pre wedding shoot and £125 at the wedding
    • StephanieM158
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Our characaturist was really rude to me on the phone the other day because i had the audacity to phone and check that he was still ok to do the wedding.
    Im seriously contemplating just getting rid of him.... Thankfuloy i only have to pay him on the night.. So if no show no payment.

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    Met 2004
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    • CommentAuthorNicolaB7220
    Really Stephanie? That's terrible and I can't believe he would be rude to paying customers. All brides tend to ring their suppliers a few weeks before their wedding to confirm details and he should know that so to be so rude is very unprofessional. I would be so tempted to call him and tell him not to bother coming xx
    • StephanieM158
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I was going to but ive looked around theres ni more available artists that was supposed to be our favours as people get to take their pictures uome with them etc.... I feel quite annoyed with him but hes my only option.

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    Met 2004
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    • CommentAuthorNicolaB7220
    I am sure he will be fine on the day then and it will go down great I am sure x
    • Mrs T Hurley!
      CommentAuthorMrs T Hurley!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Hopefully he was just having an off day! We all get them, but it's no excuse to be rude all the same.

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    Met 18/09/03
    Engaged 06/09/08
    Getting married 05/09/17
    • MichelleC961
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I know this doesn't make it right but from their point of view, they will only concentrate on booking maybe that week and the next so if they have everyone calling up to check when weddings are weeks away, these are not their priority and them answering the phone to all us brides who want everything confirmed and to be perfect get in the way of their day to day business

    Still rudeness is my pet hate- hopefully you just caught them on a off day Stephanie xx- love your idea for favors tho xx

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