Finally on pain killers for my toothache but managed a nice relaxing evening finishing some of the final touches on one of my flowergirl dresses, have added photos to my album flowergirl. I need to attach the sash and bow properly as currently pinned on then just need to hem a month before the big day :) I made them from scratch and you can't really see the diamontes on the photo :( but can you ladies give me your opinion on whether it looks good enough? Will get a photo of it finished on my little one when the sash is attached x
it looks gorgeous! well done you!! glad to hear you are getting some ease from toothache
21st May 2016 xxx
Looks lovely
It looks lovely! You have done a great job!
Met in 2009
He proposed Jan 2014
Will become Mrs P 7th October 2017
Wow the bow is amazing, goes so well and look so professional. Well done! :)
Thank you ladies :) I'm very critical or things I do haha so never sure if they look ok or not. Will figure out how we want the back bits sometime next week and hopefully have them all finished by end of the month. Toothache defiantly eased until I had a cold drink today and had most awful tooth ache so am very glad I have a week off next week :) showed my lo her dress today (4yr) and she just said wow can I wear it haha x