Wedding Forum - Key to marital bliss found: Bride must be cleverer, 5 years younger & from same background as groom - Page 1

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    • Kizzy81
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    The quest for marital bliss has proved a challenge for countless couples.
    Now researchers claim to have developed a formula that could help them along the way.
    If a couple are seeking a happy and long-lasting union the bride should be five years younger than her groom, from the same cultural background and be the more intelligent

    What are your stats, people?

    My H2B is 2 years younger then me (ooops), from the same culteral background and as for intelligence? He's pretty smart! We both have a degree in business, though and I'm the main breadwinner, so do I get 2 out of 3?!?
    • Possum
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My h2b is 29 days younger than me, similar cultural background, and he is a little more intelligent than me!
    • Mrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      CommentAuthorMrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    My H2B is only two years older
    Cultral background... err how do we tell?
    I have a Masters degree, he has a normal degree.

    So... 1/3 so far!

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    Now a extremely happy German housewife and now a Mother!!!!
    Islay Jean born 24th June in Hannover.
    • farmerswife2b
    whoops im not doing good at all ...think ive only got one! x
    • Mrs Turps (Nicpep)
      CommentAuthorMrs Turps (Nicpep)
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    mine is 6 months younger. same cultural background, and similar intelliegnce, just in different areas. We both and undergrad degrees, I have a post grad too, but only cos I had to have one to be a solicitor lol

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    Now a married lady :)
    Im a rebel me
    • Mrs Turps (Nicpep)
      CommentAuthorMrs Turps (Nicpep)
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    ooh just realised as I was telling this to h2b - my nan and grandad fit that theory perfectly! been married over 50 years too

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    Now a married lady :)
    Im a rebel me
    • lemondrops
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground

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    • CommentAuthorOfficially Mrs Nicol
    i'm way off, i am 11 years younger than my h2b, same cultural background, he works as a machine operator and i'm back at college studying nursing... so not sure what i wud get for that... lol
    • emster
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My h2b is 5 yrs older than me. We are from the same cultural back ground. I'd like to think I'm more intelligent than him lol but I think we're about the same! So close xx
    • Kizzy81
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Emster - looks like you're doing the best out of us sorry lot!

    Or maybe it's all a load of piffle...?
    • lotbot
    mine is a mnth older than me, dno bout the second one he grew up in the sticks i grew up in twn and he dne a lot better on his GCSEs (suprisingly coz he was stoned thoughout them all) but he lacks common sense where i dnt lol x
    • Hoxxyhula
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Mine is a couple of years older than me, similar backgrounds (although I'm from south and he's a northerner - well midlands). Who's more intelligent is a constant source of argument. We met on the same grad. scheme and I found his entry marks and they were a teeny bit lower than I'm claiming that one!!!! Ssssshhh...don't tell him though!

    • spooney24
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Lol mine is 3 years younger than me, from the same cultural background and I think I may be more intelligient than him, he left school with no qualifications whereas I did pass a few exams and went to college and uni later in life as a mature student. x

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    26th December 2007 - the day I met my special man
    8th August 2008 - the day he was mad enough to propose to me
    24th July 2010 - the day I felt beautiful inside and out and
    became Mrs Dickie for life. xx
    • mrs pinkalice
      CommentAuthormrs pinkalice
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i'm a year younger than mine, we're from the same place and went to the same schools so i guess thats the same background? and i have more a-levels than him so technically im more intelligent :) x

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    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My H2b is 1yr and 5 days younger than me .....he is more intelligent than me by far , background ...he comes from a working class family while mine was very middle class these differances matter ? not in the least they make us the people we are and i love him to bits ...even tho he calls me a snob lol

    • charliemeg
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    ohhh we tick all them boxes lol, he is 5 years older than me, we are from same backgrounds and im def smarter than him brain wise, maybe not in common sense though lol. Guess that will have to do hahah
    • Dan and Lisa :o)
      CommentAuthorDan and Lisa :o)
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My H2B is 10 weeks older than me, he has no qualifiactions and is a painter/decorator, I have some qualifiactions in english, maths it and a level 1 in mechanics! We are from exactly the same background! Wot does that give me?lol
    • Mrs Alsbetty
      CommentAuthorMrs Alsbetty
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I'm 13 years younger than my h2b same bacckground and we both have degrees so i have 2 out of 3! and we seem both quite similar in the brains department x

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    Enjoying being a wifey!!
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    • mrsr2b
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    my h2b is 7 years older than me, we are from the same background, and i am definitly more intelligent :)
    • Tinsel
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My H2B is 4 years younger than me, similar background but different ends of the country, academically I am brighter but in terms of general knowledge I think we are equal. I would say it is the people in the marriage that make it work not a formula :o)

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    07.04.12 - the best day of my life!
    Living happily ever after as Mrs Nottage x

    • Carlyroo
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    hmmmmm, none out of three for me!!!!!im doing well!!!!
    • Mrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      CommentAuthorMrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hmm, Adam is 3 years 2 months older than me, we're from diff cultural backgrounds, as in I'm Scottish, he's Canadian.

    He has a degree in Zoology Sciences & I have a Certificate in Pharmacy Technician Assistant & just some college certs LOL.

    So on all 3 for us..but we still make a damned good team & as long as we always talk as communication is key in any relationship we'll be just fine! :D
    • Bradshaw2Be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    mine is..... 5 moths younger, works as a nurse, where as i'm a project manager so completely different work paths, but I wouldn't say i'm more clever and he defiantly has more common sense than me. But he is from the same part of town than me..... so I i guess thats 1 out of 3 isn't terrible and anyway i'm sure if we weren't going to work things would have ended long before now (I have been with him for 8 years so far)
    • Lace
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My H2B is 3 years older than me :) and is from the same background, have the same interests as me :) and we are think both the same at being intelligiance
    • Possum
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Has the title of this topic changed?
    • Possum
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Oops the beginning part was just at the top of the page so I missed it.
    *is highly embarrassed*
    Ignore me!
    • Mrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      CommentAuthorMrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hehehehe it's easy done hun x
    • DrunchPunk
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Hmm, mine is 4 years older, so I'm claiming that one as a score. Dunno about cleverer, but I outstrip him qualification-wise, so I'm claiming that one too. Cultural background, not quite sure what that means.. But we're both British and non-religious, so I suppose I can claim that one too.

    Hoorah, 3 out of 3 :) (with a little fiddling of the boundaries..)

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    • Magsy
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    lol drunchpunk

    well, me and my fella both work in the caring profession(i'm a nurse, he's a carer for adults with autism), he's 6 months older than me, he's english, i'm irish, and intellect wise i'd say we're equal so does that mean we're doomed???????

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    • ammo
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    sounds like i am in luck then that is me and h2b and we have being together 14 years already.
    • MrsSandiBillany
    My H2B is 2 years older than me. Were from similar cultural backgrounds (although i'm a southener and he's a northerner) and i like to think i'm cleverer than him, but he can spell and do maths so i'm probably not lol.
    • catch
    my h2b is 4 weeks younger than me(does that count as a toyboy lol), he is english, l am scottish, albeit we are both british on the education front l have a degree in business study, he is very clever we both love general knowledge quiz he joined the navy when he was seventeen and he's still there!!! l just know that we should have met yearssssssss ago, but we have now we will be together till our ripe old age, so depends on what shelve life these researchers are declareing as LONG-LASTING really? do you have any info what they determin as LONG??????
    • Geordie_Nikki
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My H2B is 2 years older than me... we're from kinda the same backrounds and upbringing... Im definately more intelligent ;-)
    • Mrs fairytale
      CommentAuthorMrs fairytale
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    H2B is 2yrs younger than me so no on that one, backgrounds completely different his a country boy and im a city girl so no luck there, but i am more intelligent thanj him so 1 out of 3 lol xx

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    cant wait to renew my vows, love my hubby sssssooooo much xx

    • skitty666
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    lol woop woop well im in luck then my h2b is 25 and im 20 we are from the simural backgrounds and im more intellegant then him. we have been together for nearly 5 years next month. many years of happyness to come then!!
    • xAbix
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    YEEESS!! I have got all three!
    1. He is 5 years older
    2. Same cultural background
    3. I am much more intelligent, although he would disagree with me there but that is because he's not intelligent haha!
    • casbride87
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My h2b is 19 years older than me, same cultural background and im defo more intelligant than him in some areas!!

    • Emma
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I get 3 out of 3 too lol!

    My H2B is 5 years older than me
    I'm deffo more intelligent lol
    We come from the same kind of background even tho we grew up 25 miles apart.
    • Clarey88
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My h3b is 8 years older... He's from town and I'm from the sticks and I am more clever but that's only because I went to uni and he found a very decent full time job straight from college! xx
    • Jacey
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Lol! I am 5 years younger than my h2b, more intelligent (on paper ha!) and similar backgrounds I'd say, although I'm Welsh n he's English so there are some confusing times, like kidney beans, he calls them broad beans...maybe it's just him lol! My great grandparents though only had 2 years age difference, my great gran is more intelligent and she came from a more privilged background (her father told her she was marrying beneath herself) and they were married over 60 years until he died in 2005 :( think it just depends on the people really x
    • Relfy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Im 7 years younger then h2b, im smarter on paper but he is from a better background from me. I recokon the extra 2 years so level it out lol. xx
    • Kaya
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    I'm 5 yrs younger than h2b. He's more intelligent but I've got more common sense! lol

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    Now Mrs Cobb!!!!!! :-D

    • essexk
    I'm exactly 11 months younger than H2B, have a masters whereas he has a BA (altho he got a better grade on his degree than me!) i guess we're from the same cultural background. my parents have been married 38 years and my mum's just under 2years younger than my dad, think they're about matched on intelligence and are from the same background (and the same town!) so think both me and my mum score 2/3 which ain't bad!! x x
    • CommentAuthorKevsgirl
    Errm am 2 months younger than H2B, think we're from same cultural background, and he's smart, I do have a degree and he hasn't but he didn't like school much, but he is very smart, I currently earn the most but we put all our money into one account.

    How do they make sweeping statements like that, hilarious.

    Good old research eh

    • Jadeybabes
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Im 5 years younger than H2B,Same background. I think he's alot more intelligent than me but there are times when he acts like a child lol.I think we both have good common knowledge.x
    • Walesfromafar
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Lol yeah we heard this one a while back. I'm 8 years younger than h2b, have a very similar background and upbringing. The only intelligence thing we can directly compare is GCSE results and I just beat him on that!! So yeah we seem to work. Ant is actually a Rocket Scientist so he jokes that this is the reason it took him til he was 30 to find "the one" - not easy to find someone cleverer than a rocket scientist lol x
    • alibum
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    my h2b is 7 years older than me, he is the main breadwinner it the moment,he was brought up in same town wheras i spent the first 15 years of my life as an army brat so we lived in various parts of the UK and Germany but i have now lived in chichester longer than anywhere else.we are of similar intelligence but each of us have different strengthsxx
    • Suzi
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Hmmm should I start divorce proceedings now? lol...

    Im 7 years older than H2B (got myself a toyboy, hell yeah lol)
    Same background
    And on paper im smarter but that means nothing these days!

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    Do not disturb... Already disturbed enough!

    • Suzi
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Ali where are you getting married if you don't mind me asking?

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    Do not disturb... Already disturbed enough!

    • CommentAuthorfrankielynn22
    my h2b is 8 years older,same background.i think im more intelligent ;) x

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