Wedding Forum - Invite poems

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    • Mrs D2B
      CommentAuthorMrs D2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I've been messing around with the wording of my invites for weeks now and I think I'm finally happy with what I've come up with. I wanted to do something a little different, I have written a few little poems for the actual day to explain what will happen, so I thought I would use this idea for the invites too! I would love a 2nd opinion, These are the poems I have come up with, any thoughts are gratefully received (I will not be offended if you have some constructive criticism). Thank you ladies!

    The invite (one of my inserts will be a details section which will make the information crystal clear)
    With one year to end, and another begin,
    Tamara would like you to join her in bringing it in.
    Her mummy and daddy are tying the knot,
    We’ll be eating and drinking and dancing a lot.
    The day starts at 3, time put on your finery.
    For a New Years Eve wedding at (venue) Winery.
    So get ready to party, please don’t hesitate,
    To join us this special day, as we celebrate
    A new year. A new Life.
    A new husband and wife

    Accommodation details:
    We like for you to make the most of our special day,
    with that in mind here’s some places to stay.
    There are plenty of others for you to try ,
    but these are the ones that are closest by:
    (details of selected hotels and b&b's)

    If you would rather sleep in your own bed,
    Then why not book yourself a taxi instead.
    It’s New Years Eve please keep that in mind,
    make sure that you book it in plenty of time!
    The bar will shut at 1am,
    If you want to party till the bitter end,
    Please book it for then!
    (list of local taxi numbers)

    Gift wish (this is the one I am most unsure of)
    Tradition state guests buy a gifts for the new bride and groom,
    But we have everything we need and we’re running out of room.
    We have our beautiful little girl our furniture and our home,
    We wish for nothing more than a little time alone.
    All we really want from you is your company on out day
    but if you feel you must get us something we’d like a holiday
    Please don’t feel obliged, there isn’t any need
    But if you must, a contribution to our honeymoon is gratefully received.

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    31/12/2017 A New Year, A New Life, A New Husband and Wife

    • VictoriaL46
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Sorry if I have changed things too much. Let me know what you think of some of the changes

    With one year to end, and another <to> begin,
    Tamara would like you to join <us> bringing it in.
    Her mummy and daddy are tying the knot,
    We’ll be eating and drinking and dancing a lot.
    The day starts at 3, time <to> put on your finery.
    For a New Years Eve wedding at (venue) Winery.
    So get ready to party, please don’t hesitate,
    To join us this special day, as we celebrate
    A new year. A new Life.
    A new husband and wife

    We <want> you to make the most of our special day,
    with that in mind here’s some places to stay.
    There are plenty of others for you to try,
    but these are the ones that are closest by:
    (details of selected hotels and b&b's)

    If you would rather <lay your head> in your own bed,
    Then why not book yourself a taxi instead.
    It’s New Years Eve please keep that in mind,
    make sure that you book it in plenty of time!
    If you want to party till the bitter end,
    <1am the bar closes so book it> for then!

    In regards to the gift wish poem I'm not 100% on it.

    Mine said:

    We've been together quite a while
    with all our pots and pans
    and as we don't need homely gifts
    we have another plan!
    We know its not traditional
    and not the way its done
    but rather than a wedding list
    we'd love a bit of fun (can be changed to sun)
    So if you wish to give a gift
    and send us on our way
    A donation towards our honeymoon
    would really make our day.

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    Met in Nov 2005
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    • Mrs D2B
      CommentAuthorMrs D2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Thank you! I've read them through a million times and didn't notice the missing words lol. I much prefer your last line for the taxi bit too! I'm not 100% on the gift one, it's the last one I wrote and it defo need more work (I will prob delete and start again) good job I have plenty of time on my hands, I'm just enjoying being able to do something wedding related atm as I have to wait about 12 months before I start my next round of booking things and probably 18 months before I can start the much awaited wedding dress shopping :(

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    31/12/2017 A New Year, A New Life, A New Husband and Wife

    • VictoriaL46
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Bless, I know what you mean. I was anxious to get the ball rolling after we got engaged back in June 2013. We operated by the rule getting 1 thing done a month. My advice would be though DON'T RUSH because you would be surprised how much your opinion might change. Took me about 7 months to complete my invites and they look nothing like the original idea did. Not to mention I rushed into buying my wedding dress and ended up hting it after not seeing it for over a year. Made myself ill stressing about it and in the end the OH told me to find a new one (the original was £250) and now I am very happy with my new dress.

    I can tell you very much want your daughter involved in the poems which is a great idea. Keep looking for other ways to do the gift wish one but try not to overthink it because you'll be pulling your hair out.

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    Met in Nov 2005
    Engaged 13th June 2013
    Becomes Mrs Stewart on 10th Aug 2015 Honeymoon in Florida!
    My Diary Thread: My Alice in Wonderland Wedding Diary
    • Mrs D2B
      CommentAuthorMrs D2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    That's good advice! The invites will take a while as I plan on making pocket folds with all the inserts and once we're ready to start putting them together my MOH and I will be making a couple every sunday night whilst we have our weekly girls night (we have about 50 day invites plus std's and evening invites to make so will take about a year to finish them completely lol). I am the most impatient person in the world tho!!

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    31/12/2017 A New Year, A New Life, A New Husband and Wife

    • JennK
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Does the whole thing need to be in poems? Just wondered if it might be overkill?

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    • Mrs D2B
      CommentAuthorMrs D2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I did think it might be but there are 3 double sided inserts and the fixed invite (so 7 bits of writing in total) so I'm hoping it doesn't seem to much it just appears that I have taken time thinking about what I want to say?

    Members signature icon
    31/12/2017 A New Year, A New Life, A New Husband and Wife


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