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    • MrsWright290912
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    A whole day so far without wedding stuff and its lovely!

    We went to the big blue and yellow swedish furniture place and bought a new plant and pot, then another danish shabby chique type place and bought a fruit bowl and a door mat made of cow hide :0)

    Members signature icon
    I really did marry my Mr Wright and we had a nice day for a
    Wright wedding!
    Mexico for our first anniversary
    • Sam
    :) I love the big blue and yellow place. I go there just for fun - H2B thinks I'm very strange. :)
    • MrsWright290912
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    we both go there just for fun .lol.

    Members signature icon
    I really did marry my Mr Wright and we had a nice day for a
    Wright wedding!
    Mexico for our first anniversary
    • TeganandRob
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I love the big blue and yellow place! Nearest one is Bristol though which is about 1 1/2 hours away.
    • MrsWright290912
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Ours is about 20 minutes away - we're such geeks as we go for a "day out" !!

    Members signature icon
    I really did marry my Mr Wright and we had a nice day for a
    Wright wedding!
    Mexico for our first anniversary
    • Lulu1388
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    sounds like us, we go to our local shopping centre...EVERY saturday, so he can wonder round all the game shops and grab a bite to eat! fun times... :S he did ask me what was next on the wedding list with a BIG smirk on his face.... so that was a bit shocking!! xx

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    Every Once In a While In The Middle of an Ordinary Life
    . . . Love Gives Us a Fairytale. . .
    • Little Kettle
      CommentAuthorLittle Kettle
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I go there just for the meatballs LOL! We've just moved house and we did a trip out there the day after we moved in. LOVE it!

    Members signature icon
    Vegas baby!

    • PB
    Love it,it counts as a day out in my book!. We drop our daughter at school and its just an hour down the motorway to Warrington.We arrive in time for the family breakfasts and have one each(We usually spend a good five minutes telling each other that we cannot believe how cheap it is ) before starting our shopping.We always find something to buy and always finish with a hotdog and some of those chocolates with shattered toffee in them for the trip home yum yum xxx
    • CommentAuthorfloatee
    We have one about 35 mins away and one about 60 mins away.

    Gotta agree the meatballs are fabulicious. I no longer feel like a quite such a total wierdo now, we all love it there and have gone there as a daytrip out on the odd occassion jus for a wander around and to eat some food, when the weather is up to no good and in no way to buy stuff that we don't need lol.
    • Sam
    Nina, I am so glad you started this thread now I know that I'm not the only one that thinks it's a good day out ;)
    • MrsWright290912
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Lol - we go even when we're skint and have no money. We were heartbroken last week when we went to our local to find our favourite room has been changed! :o(

    Members signature icon
    I really did marry my Mr Wright and we had a nice day for a
    Wright wedding!
    Mexico for our first anniversary
    • FitchMcCombe
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Have you seen 500 Days of Summer? they have lots of fun in the blue and yellow swedish place! I've always fancied going in on a hunt for Narnia, but I think I stole the idea from a comedian ^o) I also love going to the place where every little helps, though I don't enjoy carrying the shopping home so much...
    • MrsWright290912
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    no me neither and last night after going to the every little helps place was furious to find they had overcharged me on 3 items!

    Members signature icon
    I really did marry my Mr Wright and we had a nice day for a
    Wright wedding!
    Mexico for our first anniversary

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