Wedding Forum - How much per head?

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    • Loopster
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm having roughly 150 guests at my wedding, I've always wanted a big wedding. I really want a sit down meal, how much do you think I should budget per head? What are your thoughts on a buffet? I think 150 people trying to eat a buffet would be chaos. Any ideas/opinions would be appreciated
    • CommentAuthorkrissy905
    well my venue does different menus for different prices and range from £20 to £45 for 4 course they also do a packed deal with drinks for £35 a head and you get to choose from 6 of the menus
    • Embbem-MrsW
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We're paying £35 per head for sit down and £10 per head for evening buffet. the £35 is 4 courses and drinks for toast and 2 glasses of wine with meal. our place ranges from £35 to £50 per head for sit down i think that's fairly average

    I must be crazy giving myself only 6 months!
    Engaged 17th Octobr 2011
    Wedding 21st April 2012
    • madhen
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Hey Loopster, we're in a similar situation, looking like having around 150 for a sit-down meal, though hopefully some will be unable to attend and save us money...ahem!! We've seen a huge range in price per head, from very reasonable around £20-25 right up to the other end of the spectrum! A lot of the time the price seems to depend on how much choice your guests have per course. Another thing to look at is what you get by way of tea/coffee/biscuits before the meal, buffet after meal and wine with the meal. Some of the food prices we've seen were a bit more expensive but included quite a varied night-time buffet and half a bottle of wine per person at the meal, as well as tea/coffee/biscuits etc. I suppose it also depends on where you are too.
    I see your point about the buffet, it would have to be very well organised - you'd probably need two stations so the guests could split and get their food quicker!
    Are you wanting your venue to cater or are you getting caterers in, because tbh I haven't a clue how much caterers cost!
    • CommentAuthorbridalmiss
    We have 170 for the day, and like you I was worried about people queuing up for a buffet! So we came up with a 9 canape, 3 mini-mains and 6 dessert menu for 27 per head which will be brought out on trays by staff to the guest tables, so it's like the buffet comes to them. Don't forget to add on 20% VAT too, so our 27 actually becomes 32.40. Wedding breakfast sit down meals we found started at 35 per head plus VAT up to 50 - and for this our caterer doesn't include welcome drinks, wine or toasting drinks, once we worked this out for our menu it comes to £35.50 per head, with VAT £42.60 - and this was after a lot of haggling and getting things in for free - e.g. jugs of tap water on the tables, free soft drinks for welcome drinks, free tea and coffee etc. We actually think we've done really well as it's cheaper than the suggested sit down meals and we think we're getting a wider range of food options.

    Doesn't sound a lot but when you multiply it by the number of guests it definitely mounts up - and as for assuming you won't have a full turn out, don't bank on it! We've sent out out invites and have only had 4 say no so far!

    Another idea if you're getting a caterer is to have a lazy susan buffet style, which is a rotating mini table on each table, where they can have the buffet selections brought to the table and they help themselves - Americans call this 'family style' I think :-)
    • JoanneF
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    we are paying £35 per head for the sit down meal which is 3 courses and £17.50 per head for the evening buffet which is sandwiches, quiche, chicken skewers, wedges and salad. The drinks packages start from £16 per head, im sure if you speak to your venue they could come up with something for you x
    • rocketqueen
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    £65.50 per head. This includes, canapes, welcome drinks, 3 course meal with free flowing drink, champagne for toast and either a hog roast or buffet. x

    Here comes the bride......

    • madhen
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    We haven't finalised whether we're getting married in Ireland or the UK yet, but the venue we're thinking of at the mo is 69 Euro per head including tea/coffee/biccies before, champers for couple, four course meal with a choice of starters, choice of mains, trio of desserts, half bottle wine per person, fizz for toast and then evening buffet... there's probably VAT on top of that though and I'm still thinking we can do better...haven't been to chat to them yet so maybe that'll make a difference.
    • barbie86
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    We're paying £48.50 pp for a 3 course meal; the starter and desserts are being served to the table and we're choosing them (gone with simple crowd pleasers that everyone should like), and we're having a buffet main course. The reasons we're having a buffet main course are that in doing so, we can offer our guests a choice (we have 2 vegetarian dishes, a chicken dish, pan-fried salmon, and steak, plus a selection of salads and vegetable sides), and we're only having 50. For more than 50, we'd do a sit-down dinner, as I think it can be come chaotic; we had a buffet (Indian) at my parents anniversary party, and it took a while for all 90 guests to be served.

    What we're paying is probably about average for our area (Berkshire); when I was looking, prices seemed to average around £50-60 for a 3-course meal, and around £15-20 for the evening buffet (I looked at venues in Berks, Bucks, London, Surrey, and Hertfordshire). One thing I'd be aware of is that a lot of venues do 'all inclusive' packages, and we found these averaged about £120-160 p at the venues we looked at; these packages usually include a drinks reception and canapes, 3 course meal with wine and champagne for the toast, and the evening buffet, as well as venue hire, and sometimes extras (like chair covers and sashes, DJ, sometimes even flowers, etc). We found that not many venues did an 'a la carte' option; so something to bear in mind as £100+ could really add up quickly with 150 guests.
    • CommentAuthorSweetchilli
    We are paying £49 per head which doesn't include wine and £9 per head for reception buffet.
    • tillyturtle
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    were having 21 days guests and paying £20per head for a 4 course dinner, we are going abroad so get quite a discount. were supplying some toasting drinksabout £100 worth but anything after that guest will have to get themselves. back in the uk were having pork and stuffing batches with chips and veggie option for 170 people at £7.5 per head.
    • millz090
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We are paying £39 per head for an adult which is a 3 course meal followed by coffee and drink on arrival, wine with meal and sparkling wine for the toast. Children are half price and got 59 adults and 20 children. And then an evening buffet of cheeses and pates for £650 which will feed about 100 people.

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    Finally marrying the love of my life !!
    10th August 2013 - 9 years to the day we met !

    • kimmy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We are paying £75 per head but this includes everything from arrival drinks and canapés four course dinner with wine and evening nibbles.x
    • MrsAndrew2B
    Ours is £14.95 per head for a 3 course meal and £5.95 per head for evening buffet xx
    • vikki977
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    ours is £100 a head, but this includes the wedding ceremony itself,room hire for ceremony and reception the table decorations/ centrepieces, chair covers and sashes, flowers for room, canapes, drinks, 3 course and coffee wedding breakfast and then a hogroast for the evening. we thought it was an amazing price! we r planning for around 60 day and this allows 100 for the evening within the price.
    im sure if you shop around and haggle prices you can find excactly what you want for the number fo guests that come. good luck xx
    • madhen
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Wow MrsAndrew2B that's good value!
    • suzky123
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I am afriad theres no set rule as there is such a large variety. We are paying 120-130 (depending on what we go for) and this is for everything. This is for canapes, drinks package (pimms on arrival, 2 glasses wine, 1 sparkling wine), 3 course meal, 6-7 item buffet. #
    I think it all depends on your venue choice.

    cant wait to be Mrs Evans less than 3 weeks woooo
    start weight 10st 1.5 lbs
    weight now 8st 4.5 lbs
    total loss to date: 24.5 lbs now need to maintain!
    • sarahh
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Wow mrs andrews2b - where's that!? Bargain!

    Members signature icon
    Met in 2006: Weight 9 1/2 st. Engaged 2010: Weight 11 st
    Diet Started 7th Jan - Weight 12 st 4. Goal 10 st by Wedding

    TARGET HIT!!! LOSS 32lbs!
    • madhen
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    You're right Suzky - some of the venues we looked at were absolutely amazing but the food prices were prohibitive so just had to rule them out completely.
    • MrsAndrew2B
    It's basically a pub but it's really nice and very popular with weddings :) x
    • madhen
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Hey as long as it's nice looking and you like it and the food's good that's all that matters!
    • suzky123
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    that was what put us off.... we are not happy paying this but will for a nice venue but we looked at a castle which wasnt particularly fab (beginning with P in cheshire) and the food prices were even greater. Probably just because its a castle. hmmmmmm.

    cant wait to be Mrs Evans less than 3 weeks woooo
    start weight 10st 1.5 lbs
    weight now 8st 4.5 lbs
    total loss to date: 24.5 lbs now need to maintain!
    • madhen
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Yup, they're a castle so they stick an extra £20pp on before you even start probably...!!
    • ClareS
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    ours will work out to be £65 per head and that includes canapes with welcome drinks, a 3 course meal with tea/coffee and drinks package x
    • CommentAuthortimpson123
    Ours is £43 per head including 5 course meal, welcome drinks, wine with meal and sparkling wine for toasts, and evening buffet. I think it's a fantastic deal. I could upgrade but i don't see the point really.

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