Wedding Forum - How much is everyone spending on their wedding???

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    • L JO
      CommentAuthorL JO
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hi girls, was just wondering how much everyones wedding was roughly costing them, we set a budget of £5000 as its my second time and we are paying for everything ourselves. I'm really pleased we are having a church wedding,sit down meal then evening reception and so far I've only spent just under £1,500...still have to get the price for the caterers but apart from that everything else is accounted for :-) xx
    • jodie
    weve spent just over £3000 (around £80 extra i think) including an all inclusive honeymoon 4 a weeks might be over by £100 by time ive finished buying things 2 keep the kids quiet
    • Mrs fairytale
      CommentAuthorMrs fairytale
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    have managed to save about £5000 by doing as much myself as pos and shopping around, we have paid about £2000 off already, but still got another £8000 to go but thats without extras like a second car, so think grand total will be about £11,000 and thats without a honeymoon as not taking one till later in the yr xx

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    cant wait to renew my vows, love my hubby sssssooooo much xx

    • Mrs Mara Tester
      CommentAuthorMrs Mara Tester
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Our wedding is roughly going cost £7000, maybe less as we keep finding ways of saving money. xx

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    • Mrs Steph Lapworth
      CommentAuthorMrs Steph Lapworth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We set a budget for £5000 as its both our 2nd time round and i think so far we have spent £3500 xx

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    Love Steph xxx
    28th May 2011
    Is Now Mrs Lapworth xxx
    • Mrs Turps (Nicpep)
      CommentAuthorMrs Turps (Nicpep)
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Mine is hopefully coming in at around £6000

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    • lemondrops
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground

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    • hay
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    ours will probably be about roughly bout £4000 to £5000 x
    • cecileinlondon
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Our London wedding is costing roughly £3300.
    • gemzy24
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Mine prob about 10,000 to 11,000 but making huge savings on other stuff so might be under :)
    • Happy2bme
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    One of my sister in law 2b found on (Martin Lewis money man from the telly) an utterly AMAZING deal... weddings for a grand!!! OMG! We looked into where the hotels in the various chains were and luckily there were 3 in Blackpool... I dropped the contract and deposit in last Saturday. With this deal we are looking to spend about £3000 but it may go slightly over because we are slightly over the 50 people for the day (by 20!!0
    • Tigerlily
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    our budget is just under £4000, but thats because our honry moon is costing around £2500(inc spending money) but i still have to look at suits with h2b and things. so might be saving some more money!

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    • loubie100
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Our budget is around £3000 which we are coming in just below that at the moment with loads of good deals on trusty old ebay :)

    • CommentAuthorMrs Daltry
    i think we'r under budget ,,we set it at £5,000 ,,wev spent alot less then this,,but if i add on what my parent have payed for and glenns mum then yes it would be £5,000
    • foolsapprentice
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We're looking at about £3000. We expect to be paying for everything ourselves, so a bit of bargain hunting and haggling will be involved grr lol, ok I'm rubbish at haggling so may bully my boss into that part for me hehe. Cx
    • foolsapprentice
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    BTW LJo Well done! got any tips? Cx
    • Claire Sky
      CommentAuthorClaire Sky
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    were 7,000 but luckily my mum bought my dress for me xxx
    • Goff
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    £2000 for us. Thats with everything, apart from a honey moon as we are going away in April for my 40th.
    But its not about the money, or a lavish do for us - its about our commitment. :-)

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    • Mrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      CommentAuthorMrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Personally, I'll be spending about £3K...
    But if you add what Pidge, my parents and his parents are paying you get a much larger amount!

    Total budget- about £12-£14K

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    • emster
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Ours was aimed at £3000 but I'm doing so well It'll be under £2000 :-) We'll be having a honeymoon later in the year when I've sorted out my passport. Mine has expired, so I figured I'd just wait till I changed my name and do it in one go xx
    • Lindsey Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
      CommentAuthorLindsey Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We spending no more than £3000 trying to save as much money as possibe cos will be moving house in june. I thin k its a good amount, couldnt imagine spending mch more to be honest. Im soooooo excited!!!
    • Nuttytart
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We sat down and worked our roughly what it would cost to have basics what we wanted. We worked it out to around £18,000, but should do it for around £16,500. We are paying for it all ourselves and have been saving, scrimping, not going out and working o/t for two years plus!

    • CeCe
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    We decided on 4k .. without a honeymoon factored in. We have been fortunate enough to be gifted 2k so it is going to go on a Honeymoon we think...

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    • mym72
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I agree Goff - commitment is the most important thing. We're spending about 3k - but I'd have been just as happy to book the ceremony and the two of us just go out and do it (minus the guests). H2B says it wouldn't be the same though, as we'll only do this once.

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    • CeCe
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    Commitment goes without saying in my book...saving and having a beautiful day is important to me too tho!

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    • Goff
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    See thats the thing - im not really understanding how a wedding can cost in excess of £10k... thats an OBSCENE amount of money.
    Some brides - a lot of them american - seem more interested in putting on a "show" rather than a wedding and are more bothered about how it will look to everyone else than the actual meaning of the marriage itself.

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    UKB Mad Scientist
    Ride it like ya stole it.....
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    • mitch2509
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    mines about 12,000 not including honeymoon, but my parents are paying a lot of it. (lucky me !)

    • CeCe
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    No showy wedding for me...30 of our closest family and friends..NO Uncle Knobhead and Aunty miseries..just those we hold dear.

    I personally would love the extra £££ if available to other more important things to us..

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    • Emmielene
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Im starting to get slighty piddled off with the whole piddly thing if im honest.
    If i get the budget thrown at me one more time... in which there is hardly anything for my dress im going to piddling SCREAM !!!

    Our budget was £15k.. then was cut to £10k with 18 months to save it.. bing bang bosh
    Now cos of pauls dad he wants to move it forward which is totally understandable but leaves realistically about 5 months to save.. so the budget is now aboyt £6.50

    I could totally scream and cry and just sack it all in and thats so not like me.
    • GeordieBride81
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Wow am so impressed with the low budgets most people have - we were told the average wedding costs around £18,000 so were planning to budget about half of that but beginning to think we can do it even cheaper now after reading about everyone else's budgets!!
    • x~Hails~x
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We said about £10,000 as although its my 2nd its my h2bs 1st. Prob do it under tho as the only things were spending lots on is the venue which is about £3,000 but includes everything from getting married to waking up in the morning and having brekkie. and the photo's which will be £900 for the whole package from getting to know you shoot a week before wedding to album and disk. So i think about £7-8,000 hopefully. Getting lots of budgeting tips from you ladys so should manage it lol

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    • lemondrops
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground

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    • flatellie
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We didnt have a budget as such, but everything is totalling up to £16k to £18k and that is including our honeymoon which is very expensive. We have made some cut backs aswell, I think the most expensive things are the venues for us and we are getting married in Scotland which doesnt help cos we live right down south so the total also includes hotels and flights etc for our stay over the actual wedding! xx
    • alibum
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    our budget is a maximum of £1500, luckily my brother is a dj and htb is a muso so he will put together a band for the night, in which he will play guitar and the best man will be on bass,so that helps alot with the budget.
    • MrsRobo2b
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Our budget is a £1000 pound and we're well covered. at one point looked like we couldnt afford it but then a miracle arrived (h2b's grandad) his sister owns a club (room for free) he is an ex wedding photographer (yay more free things) and he is now a part time disco/karaoke/dj (woo hoo) his mum said she will pay for the limousine and the buffet! all i have to pay for it the register office the outfits the flowers the rings and the little extras! im gonna come in waaay under £1000! woohoo for family! x x x
    • CommentAuthorMrs Sazra
    Bout 8-9 grand here, thankfully we're not paying it all though!
    • Nicci
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Our budget was 10k but hopefully it looks like we'll only be spending 7k-im using my inheritance off my dad to pay for it
    • CommentAuthorMrs Daltry
    im agreeeing with goff and mym,,,,when people talk about wedding budgets well for us anyway it was making sure we could afford the essentials,,any little extras are a bonus,i watched that bridezilla programe today and i tell you what those women should ne ashamed of themselves $30,000 on a wedding and acting like brats,,personally speaking,i would never dream of spending over £5,000 on a wedding,id rather use it to make my home comfy,and beyond a certain point i really wonder how much of it is essential and how much is just for show and showing off,wedding shouldnt be about competeing whos got the best this that and the other,its about the 2 people stood there looking in to each others eyes and their family and friends sharing it with wedding would never be a panntomime
    • alibum
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    my friends wedding just before xmas cost about £15/20 grand that was held in a hotel in midhurst west sussex!!! about£1000 was spent on was a lovely day but i think it was more a show for her parents who paid for it all!!everyone says if you had the cash wouldn`t you go bigger and we say no but a free bar for the evening reception would have been nice and we would have a good honeymoon(my friends wed wasn't even a free bar!!!)
    • Joolsy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My wedding is costing £17,239.00 and thats including honeymoon and excludes my dress and accessories as my mum and dad offered to pay for that!!! So far we have paid £7,090.60 in deposits etc - we currently have £6,796.11 in our savings account to pay things off which will leave us £3352.29 left to save up before July!! We are paying for everything ourselves except from the Flowers which are being gifted to us by my Mother in Laws friend who is a florist and my dress which was paid for by my parents!!! I am not even having an extravagent wedding!! Personlly I wanted to go abroad and get married with just a few close family and friends but my H2B wanted the big white wedding (bit strange for the man to want it rather than the woman i know) but I just thought it would cost so much less plus no hassle about who to invite etc xx

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    • Kay
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Mines about £16,000 that's not including honeymoon as my Inlaws are sending us as a gift xx
    • Mrs fairytale
      CommentAuthorMrs fairytale
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    u lucky kay, be lucky if my in laws will give us a card lol xxx

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    cant wait to renew my vows, love my hubby sssssooooo much xx

    • tasha
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    our is looking at about £15,000 without the honeymoon but my parents are paying for the reception and cake and mother in law is doing flowers and stationary ie invites.
    i have been trying to save on lots of things but it all seems to add up!!! x
    Ours is costing about 10K - wish it was less, but that is hard to do when you live in London, everything is always more expensive.
    • laura2481
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I have an extremely generous budget of £11k not including a honeymoon. I feel extremely lucky that this is possible due to generous contributions from my parents, my fiances parents and (unfortunately) some inherited money. We have a chance to have a lovely day, nothing too flash but have enough to have what we want, including a once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon. We are looking at Mauritius and it is all very exciting :)

    Still trying to save as much as I can though, or at least get as much as I can for the budget :)
    • DrunchPunk
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Well I don't know how much my wedding is going to cost yet.. But I've always said that I want the 'splurge' to be on the venue - so I'm going to be looking at around £10K for roomhire/exclusive use, wedding breakfast and evening do/food.

    But I'm not looking to splash out massively on anything else. Dresses all look the same to me, and I have no need of one that's £2000+. The only other thing I'm not prepared to skimp on is the photographer - I think you get what you pay for, and since it's your only reminder (except for your hubby) and it's a one time thing, it seems important to know you can rely on him/her.

    But pretty much everything else is going to be done 'on the cheap'.

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    • L JO
      CommentAuthorL JO
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Wow what alot of variations in budget,what it does show whatever your budget is you can have the day of your dreams,my last wedding was a very lavish affair but in all honesty I'm looking foward to this time so much more to me its about the planning finding the bargins etc think it's gonna make it so much more special than last time where I just picked up the phone and said yes we want blah blah blah money no object this time we have worked hard for our day nothings being given to us on a plate and at the end of the day its totally about out commitment to each other not to put on a show for others...glad to hear everyones managing their dream weddings tho :-) xx
    • Leanne
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Our's is coming in around the £12k mark but we're having alot of help off family. x

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    • Lauren
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Think ours will be about £18,000. Mum and Dad are paying the venue deposit for us which is about £1000 but other than that we are footing the bill ourselves. I know its seems like an obscene amount of money when you think about it but Ive worked really hard to get to the position where I can pay for it myself so im gonna make the most of it - been dreaming of it since I was really little!! Xx
    • mym72
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    We're doing the same CeCe - we've just got 18 guests and ourselves. We've limited it to just first cousins, my son, Gav's brother (BM) my parents and a couple of aunties. We might have a party for everyone else after the honeymoon, back in Leeds - but if we do it that way we'll save money because it'll be cheaper to hire a room etc for a party that's nothing to do with a wedding (they tend to hike prices up if you mention wedding lol)

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