Wedding Forum - H2Bs stag how do u feel about the 'entertainment' - Page 1

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    • Pennylane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I was just wondering you girls thoughts on your H2B heading to one of the more riskier clubs on his stag? You know the ones where he may see some more than usual!! Would you let him or is it a big no no?

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    • Zoe Kay
      CommentAuthorZoe Kay
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'd let mine totally .... trust him 100% and i'm sure he'd be pretty embarrased to be honest :D
    • Pennylane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I think we're in the minority with this one Zoe. I've never had a problem with this, but Dave's never been to one and he says it doesn't interest him. I know his pals will try taking him to one on his stag tho cos I know what they're like. But I don't mind.

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    • Zoe Kay
      CommentAuthorZoe Kay
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i just said to rik ' are you gonna cop of with your stripper on your stag do?' he said ' eww no , the dirty tramp' LOL
    • Pennylane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    haha I always say it's like the least likely place for them to cheat lol! There's no other girls there except strippers! (usually)

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    • Zoe Kay
      CommentAuthorZoe Kay
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    yeah , never thought of it like that . Rik just said why would I want manky implants over you zo .... (I'm a bit on the curvy side lol so he made me happy :) hehehe yey for compliments )
    • Pennylane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Well I'm not known for being very big in the chest area but as Dave says more than a handful's a waste lol! I know he's just being nice lol!

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    • Laticschick Holland
      CommentAuthorLaticschick Holland
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    ive already told me he can go if he wants. Not botherdd. As lng as his mates do not shave his eyebrows im happy x
    • Zoe Kay
      CommentAuthorZoe Kay
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    lol!!! I'd be gutted if rik came back with no eyebrows !!
    • Pennylane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    cool well I thought most people would be dead against it - my mates are and can't believe I would consider letting Dave go to one!

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    • Happilymarried Mrs G
      CommentAuthorHappilymarried Mrs G
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I have no major issues with it.....the girls are all talking and plotting getting me a male stripper since watching the rather lovely one on dont tell the bride.....they like the idea of a fire engine as well, so would be bad of me to stop h2b.
    He sees strippers fairly often at the bike club gents nights anyway, so tbh i doubt he will bother on his stag night as it would be nothing special. lol
    • Llosa
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    i think its fine, i have said to my OH i expect him to go see that sort of thing, looking doesn't hurt hehe and that way you can use that as a levy when you have your hen night ;)
    • Suzi
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Dodge was free to go, in fact I organised the whole stag weekend around one particular strip club lol...!!!

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    • Mrs Hinch2B
      CommentAuthorMrs Hinch2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I don't have a problem with ste going but again like a couple of you have said it's really not his thing and he'd probably just end up blushing the whole time bless him!

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    • dodsden
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i dont have a problem with my OH going to strip club for stag night as his work pals and him often go to them on a night out.
    • annalambchop
    Dont have a problem with it at all, but then I really dont think H2B would go to one anyway. I think he is hoping to go to the Sonisphere festival for his stag next year...he went this year and loved it, and it's a couple of weeks before we get married so he says that's perfect for him :)
    • luvlifejen (mrs berr
      CommentAuthorluvlifejen (mrs berr
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    my h2b doesnt like them never has he says, he's quiet shy about stuff like that he's been on stags b4 and they have gone and his mates have taken the mick coz he waits outside or at the bar (bless him!!) think i've been closer than he has, my cousin runs one in liverpool so if i go out i pop in and see her and obviously the ladies are getting changed in the toilets so cant exactly miss whats going on haha xx

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    • Emsy5000
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    big NO nononono I hate the idea of it. it is just horrid and below him and his friends. but I don't think I need to worry because they hold a not to dissimilar view as me.

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    • CommentAuthorsalamander
    my h2b has stated previously that 1 night of fun is not worth losing something good for a lifetime! We've both been married before cos the other half's have cheated, his ex with a bus driver, mine with my best mate and a hooker (not the same person though it is debatable!!) He had his brothers stag night to go to and was saying about strippers etc, and I just said as long as his you know what doesn't go where it shouldn't be I don't care what theydo or where they go - I trust him completely! He's not one for strippers though luckily!!
    • Sian''OCD''Holkham
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I was talikng about this yesterday to moh h2b and moh's hubby and they think all men should go on their stag do i dont think i have any choice with my h2b his mates will still take him no matter how many times i say no i trust him but i'll still be jealous lol always have been lol

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    • nickers
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i wud let mine go but what happens on his stag do is up to the lads same as my hen nyt lol i trust him 100% too xx

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    • nickers
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    tbh its not h2b thing plus his m8s wifes gf wud go mental lol xx

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    • Goff
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    This is a subject that comes up time and time again.

    I see nothing wrong in strip clubs - in fact i've positively encouraged Mark to go!

    He will be coming home to me at the end of the night, that i know for sure. Ive never had an issue with it whatsoever.

    Its certainly not "beneath" him, and does not make him any less of a person because he is going.

    When someone says STAG NIGHT, you can bet your life that strippers will follow in the same sentence - its what stag nights are known for.

    Its personal choice - more often than not its a one off for stags cos its a tradition. If thats what they want to do, then let them go - its no big deal.

    I have never quite "got" the whole "i trust him but not his mates" statement, nor do i understand why women get jealous..... let them have a good night out - they are coming back to you at the end of it.

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    • luvlifejen (mrs berr
      CommentAuthorluvlifejen (mrs berr
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i'm sure most women wouldnt have a choice if there hen's booked 1?? would men be so bothered? i dont think so! just think of it as what it is A LAUGH :0) x

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    soon to be Mrs Berry 26.11.2011

    • LoopyLou
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I also dont mind at all for my OH to go to strip clubs at all i trust him completely. They apparently do nothing for him also, could also be because he used to date a stripper and was not a very happy relationship (from what i understand she was nasty) So i think the whole stripper thing has lost its appeal for him :( And there goes my wedding night plans was gonna even get the peeka-boo pole installed lmao :)

    EDIT: Just thought about that last sentence and i think i will probably be using the pole to keep me standing, dont think i would mange to dance on it too lmao
    • CommentAuthorKerrylmac
    I have no problem with it at all. He is his own person & can go wherever he wants, I'm not his keeper! Like Goff said about her h2b, I also know mine would come home to me & i wouldn't be worrying about what he is getting up to. Stag dos are all about the boys having fun & from what I have seen I think hens can be a lot worse! My mate got married 5 years ago & my h2b was on the stag do, the poor guy's mates left him ridiculously early so my h2b took him to a strip club (one if the dirty ones, pound in pint glass jobby) as he thought he can't have a stag do without going to a strip club. H2b came home & told me about their night but that I wasn't to tell my friend as apparently she had told her h2b that under no circumstances was he to go to a strip club. I just don't get it! The guy couldn't believe Stu when he said I had no problem with it. Everyone us different I suppose! X
    • Soon2beMrsHall
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I dont care if he goes to a strip club. It like when he goes out with his mates they are always wondering why i dont text him to find out what he is doing why would i
    1 he is enjoying himself
    2 if he gets in trouble he will ring me
    3 i trust him
    4 i know his mates and the know him so they know the limits and martyn will tell them
    5 ITS A STAG DO you are ment to do these things

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      CommentAuthorMRS WILKINSON
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i wouldnt mind at all, if you really think about it they are better off in a strip club than just in a club as these strippers are doing their job and getting paid to do it where as a girl approaches him in a club she hasnt been paid to do it she clearly is interested or attacted to him. i dont worry as when my h2b goes out and girls chat to him in his first sentance he will always say hes got a fiancee (its a standing joke with his friends now) but thats just him showing his loyalty, he will always talk to girls but i spose i cant really complain as thats his first line they usually start talkin bout me lol!
    • NatashaParkes
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My H2B used to work in a strip club and then I was just friends with him we had quite a few nights out to strip clubs which was fun. but now on the basis he wants to spend the rest of his life with me I wouldn't be happy with him going to a strip club or having a stripper.
    After working there for so long I think he's seen enough boobs and lady bits to last him a life time lol. He says he doesn't want one but i know his friends will get him drunk and take him, none of them have fiancées or long term girl friends and they even tell me what they get up to when they go out.. which doesn't worry me normally but his stag do is playing on my mind! In MY opinion if he was in another club and some woman started straddling him and taking off her clothes, rubbing her boobs in his face and he just sat there loving it... I would and i think a lot of people would at least find it unacceptable, so what's the difference with a stripper? he's PAYING for it!
    if your happy with what you've got then I don't see a need.
    (BTW not a hypocrite cause I don't want a stripper either, I don't want to see anyone else's willy but my H2B... that's why I'm marrying him!)

    Just MY opinion! lol
    • Mrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      CommentAuthorMrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I had no trouble with Pidge going to a strip club or having a stripper on his Stag party (he had both). It was just a bit of fun, nothing to do with looking at girls bodies- more about trying to humilate each other.


    I found out his friends took him to one the night before the wedding- so actually on our wedding day. He knows I did NOT find that amusing, and actually quite hurt me. It was just lack of thinking, but very irresponsible.

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    • Rags
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Dove I completely understand your anger,

    But on the whole question started above. Why bother?? Why worry??

    As long as the stags not the night before and he's not chained to a lampost in the nuddy or waking up on a boat to go to a far off land or damaging himself badly I don't care.

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    • NatashaParkes
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    with his mates there's a definite risk of all of the above happening and a lot more... when his friend was drunk the other day he was trying to get me to give him H2B's passport and saying he won't know and I won't know where he's going lol... NOT going to happen. I don't want to be walking up the aisle to no one!
    • littlemisssunshine
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i dont mind it do much as i trust my h2b its his friends i dont trust they are all womanizer's !!!!!! also things like this do not interest him (so he says lol ) xxx
    • luvlifejen (mrs berr
      CommentAuthorluvlifejen (mrs berr
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i'm not bothered either way my h2b hates strippers he doesnt see why pay for a dance when you have a lady at home to do it for u lol xx

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    soon to be Mrs Berry 26.11.2011

    • Little Miss Bump
      CommentAuthorLittle Miss Bump
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I wouldnt mind my h2b go to a strip club either for his stag or in general but it would bother me if he had a private lap dance, but this is only because my ex before him went to a strip club while we were having problems, and iniimate relations between us had all but disappeared at this point, several days after he told me via msn he had had a private lap dance, and whether i was right or wrong it hurt me to know that we hadnt been intimate for a while and he had seeked gratification elsewhere, so now the idea of any partner that i may have recieving a private lapdance has too many negative feelings attached, as my h2b was friends with my ex and saw the reprecussions hes understanding of my position on this, but he has said he doesnt want to go to a strip club for his stag as he feels it would just be too awakward with his dad/grandad there too lol
    • littlemisssunshine
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    lol donna i can see how that would be awakward!!! my h2bs dad would probs love a strip club lol
    • Laticschick Holland
      CommentAuthorLaticschick Holland
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Told him as long as he doesn't get arrested i don't care what he does or see's
    • Chrissy~MrsFaulds2b
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I have no problems at all with my h2b going to strip clubs etc. I know he wouldn't organize such a night out for himself but i know his mates would for him as he probably would for them., it's a stag do after all.
    I trust him 100% and have no concerns what so ever. He has been on stag nights and been to these clubs an he tells me about it the following day, lol.
    • Kimi
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Never had a problem with him going to see a stripper for his stag-do.

    Apparently he's been 2 times (on other people's stag-dos) and like he said its a bit of a laugh and that's it. They even go to the gay bars - it's quite funny apparently. :)

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    • sami & Paul
      CommentAuthorsami & Paul
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i wouldn't be bothered, i think Paul would be pretty embarrassed x

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    • southern
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Not a problem - he works away at big VW shows all through the summer, so if I was the jealous type I'd be more worried about that! We trust each other 100%, which is one of the reasons why we're getting married :)

    • Happilymarried Mrs G
      CommentAuthorHappilymarried Mrs G
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    h2b saw a stripper at a gents night at the club a couple of weeks ago and i think it traumatised him poor lad. Apparently it got quite messy, she made a big mess, there was water and poo involved and its put him right off the whole idea.
    He wasnt to go paintball and go karting (hens vs stags) and then off for men to go shooting and girlies on their night out. He is saying he needs to be home and sober before me anyway to look after the kids the next day coz im gonna be slaughtered! Bless him!
    Love that man.
    • CommentAuthorgrumpyoldmoo
    My hennie is going to watch the Adonis Cabaret ... soooo I caouldn't really moan if h2b went to see a female version, he can look but if he touches I will chop his hands off lol
    • sabs
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Mine is going out with his family and mates for a few then going to the dogs so i dont have to worry about strippers or strip clubs.
    x x x
    • Rachie :D
      CommentAuthorRachie :D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Id lmao - Rich wouldnt know where to look 1st! He'd hate it lol It's one reason he wants a Hag night - so no one will do it - even though i offered to vet and hire them myself lol

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