Wedding Forum - got there in the end after florists were rude - Page 1

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Wedding Forum - Got there in the end after florists were...

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    • CommentAuthorJoey
    I finally booked my florist!!! nearly finished my list of stuff to do. woop woop
    I went to a wedding fair at my venue a couple of weeks ago, where 4 florists were there. 2 out of the 4 were really rude. one said she couldnt talk to me because she was already supplying the flowers for the two weddings before mine at the same venue. Rude mare!
    After that I walked along and spotted another and as I approached braced for another rude woman (I think its because I look REALLY young. Im 27 but look 18) BUT she was really really nice. She spent ages talking to me and answering all my questions.
    Anyway I rang her yesterday and booked an appointment to see her and get a quote. Im soo excited as this is the last big thing on my list! Everything after this should fall into place easy. phew!
    Still cant believe some people cane be so rude though.
    • becky -mrs firth
      CommentAuthorbecky -mrs firth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    whoop and rude people piss me off!!!!

    Engaged 27th November 2010
    Hen Do Newcastle 2nd June 2012
    Marrying the man of my dreams 11th August 2012!
    Honeymoon To Jamaica 14th October 2012
    • CommentAuthorJoey
    i know! theres just no need though
    • Madam Butterfly
      CommentAuthorMadam Butterfly
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I hate rude people! to the rude people. Glad you get it sorted though, you can relax a bit now :) x

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    You To Me Are Everything
    The Sweetest Song That I Could Sing
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    16th June 2012 x
    • Excited_bride_to_be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Awwh it's great you got it sorted! It's the rude lady's loss, she's lost your custom. I can't understand rudeness.
    • Mel D
      CommentAuthorMel D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I had the same with one of the florists I went to for a quote ... she argued with me about who should be at the top table (!) and was dismissive of what I said I wanted, twlling me what I should have ... so I had already decided I wasn't going to have her, got her quote - she wanted 50% as a deposit and was a good £100 more than the others! Whay are some people like that? There was no way I was going to go with her after she tried to tell me what to have and where to sit people!

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    Got married Sat 28/05/2011
    Renewing vows Sat 29/05/2021
    We're planning WELL in advance!!
    • CommentAuthorJoey
    yeah its ok for them to tell us politely what their opinions are but to try and force their opinions on you is naughty. x
    • XLittleMissMe!X
    I would never book anyone who was rude and if I had just booked them and heard them talk to someone else like that I would be straight back to cancel. At least you found someone in the end. Not long to go!

    • luvlifejen (mrs berr
      CommentAuthorluvlifejen (mrs berr
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    wtf why couldnt she supply you ? bizarre!! and not a gr8 way to run a business either!! glad you got it sorted tho hun xx

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    soon to be Mrs Berry 26.11.2011

    • Suzie Bear
      CommentAuthorSuzie Bear
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Brill news hun! And only little things on ur list now! x

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    is Mrs Suzie Bear!!!!
    Gotta be pink!!! :0)
    I think I blinked and missed our wedding!! lol

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