Wedding Forum - Frustrated with Registry Office - Page 1

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    • Jane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We chose our registry office because it is a really beautiful old building, very historical and great for photos outside. However over the last couple of months there has been scaffolding up outside it, its been slowly going along the building, I drive past every day to get to work and see it gradually moving down the length of the building as the workmen progress. Trouble is I'm worried it will still be there when we get married in 11 weeks, at the rate they are working I reckon it will still be close to the main entrance so will be in all the photos! I know it is important to restore these lovely old buildings and it has to be done but its typical - there was no hint of building work when we booked it last year! And its not subtle scaffolding, its bright and covered in tarpaulins, the full works. Ouch. I know other wedding couples are putting up with it there but it does seem a real shame. And to top it all they are planning on digging up the car park at the back of the registry office and replacing it with a park. And this is starting any time soon, I can just see us trying to hear each others vows over the top of a couple of diggers and pneumatic drills!!! I just wanted everything to be as perfect as possible for our special day and I worried this will spoil it a bit. I know photographers can be very clever but its so 'in your face' that I cant see how it can be avoided, and the entrance is one of the nicest bits of the building. Just needed to have a moan!

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    • *Kat B*
      CommentAuthor*Kat B*
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I'll keep my fingers and toe's crossed that the work should be completely before your big day 11 weeks is a long time to do work

    have you contacted the registry office direct to find out the pre-planned time scales etc and to see if they are running behind or to schedule xx

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    • Unknown
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    yea kate is right...i would speak to them and see how long the work is expected to last! fingers crossed it is all ok for you xx

    • Soon2beMrsHall
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Ring the reg office ask them how much longer the work is going to carry on for. Ask are they going to be working on your wedding day. if you are not happy you can be asked to be moved to the next reg office that you like

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    Cant wait to to marry Martyn
    Wishes the wedding would come faster
    • Jane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We are due to go to see them again end of March so if its all still up then I will ask about schedule. I dont want to make a fuss or anything as there are quite a few weddings there every week so I'm hardly anything special as far as they are concerned. And lots of brides and grooms have had to deal with the scaffolding lately so who am I to whinge? Mrs Hall2b - the next nearest registry office is 13 miles away and its horrible! Not only that, all the invitations have gone out, all the wedding cars, photographers etc sorted for that venue. Just have to keep my fingers crossed that it doesnt look like a builders yard on the day! I suppose they wont have people digging things up around the back on a Saturday or thats what I'm hoping! At least they should be reducing the fees on room hire if the building isnt looking its best but I expect that wont happen! The room we are having costs an extra £150! On top of the registry office fees. Not good. Same building, same staff, not sure how they can justify that!

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    • XLittleMissMe!X
    OK lets assume the worst and the scaffolding is still there when you get married. You say the building is lovely. Is it lovely on the inside and do they have a place there you can take some of your pics? Then is there a park or somewhere near to the location or your evening venue that you can use to take the rest of your shots? It doesn't always have to be right outside the building. Failing that get your photographer to do close up shots of you using a smaller aperture so that the backgrounds are blurred out and you are the main focus. I know it isn't ideal but look at things practically and plan for the worst so anything else is then a bonus and you know that you will still have some great photos. You could always dress up again on another day a few months later if you really wanted to to get the outside shots.

    • Jane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    The building inside is wonderful so hoping for lots of indoor shots anyway, the room we are getting married in has stained glass windows, oak beams, all very pretty, and then there is a grand sweeping staircase down to the main lobby which will be a nice place to have pics taken. I'm trying to look on the bright side, if it was raining it would be the same scenario I suppose!!!!! The reception venue is a golf club so we aren't allowed to walk on the grass to have photos taken but they have a nice patio area. The photographer and car suppliers have said we can stop off en route to the reception to have some photos taken somewhere pretty too, so just trying to figure out where we could go that is suitable and where there arent too many people! Had one place in mind, a little bridge over the canal, however when I went down there the other day it had gone all rusty and looked a right state! Will keep on looking!

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    • XLittleMissMe!X
    I'm sure your photographer can have a look in the local area and find some idea spots for the shots. If you are going to be walking on grass though I would suggest that you take some clean heels with you. They are small clear plastics that slip over your heels to stop you sinking in the grass and also keeps the mud off them nice ivory shoes if you are having them.

    • Jane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I'll get my new husband to carry me! LOL x

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    • Jane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    How bizarre...... drove past it tonight on way back from his folks. And its gone!!!! Well I be blowed. Someone must be listening to me! How strange after all these months when I choose to have a moan......... good news though!

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