Wedding Forum - Friend choosing same date??

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Wedding Forum - Friend choosing same date??...

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    • IzziF
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    One of my bridesmaids has chosen my wedding date the year later and I find it so strange! Am I overreacting or would you be upset too??
    Our one year anniversary will now go down the drain as we will be at their wedding and won’t be able to celebrate
    • RebeccaS8542
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    On one hand I know that dates in venues are a bit dodgy at the moment, where everyone has had to move their dates around in the pandemic venues are much more booked up accommodating people that had to cancel and move their dates over 2020/21. It may be that the venue she wanted was booked up and this was one of the only options if she didn't want to wait?

    But in saying that, I wouldn't want to take away from my friends' special day regardless, especially if it was her FIRST anniversary. Given the choice of waiting a little longer or taking the shine off my friend, I'd want to wait a little longer. I'd be totally upset if it was done to me and I couldn't enjoy my first celebration of a year of being married - you should be able to celebrate your first year together, it's the first year of your new life together with your OH. I don't blame you for being upset, your feelings could have been considered a bit more by her.
    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Why not embrace it ..... maybe she has done it in a bit of a tribute to you.... you will be able to celebrate your anniversary’s together

    • VerityC21
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I wouldn't be at all upset by that. For a lot of married couples I know, the first anniversary has never been a huge celebration, more a celebration between the two of them with family and close friends maybe sending a card or something small to help celebrate. Later on, when you get to the bigger anniversaries, you will be able to have a big party without worrying that it will clash with theirs... because, let's face it, who celebrates their 24th anniversary with a big party and then their 25th with another one?
    • KayleighM275
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Honestly, I think you're overreacting. I doubt she's done it on purpose, and COVID has made it so hard for people trying to plan weddings many of us are just taking whatever dates we can get. I don't want to sound harsh, but it's not your wedding day anymore you can't claim that date forever! It's her turn now, one year of being married isn't a huge deal and you don't have to go if you'd rather be doing something else but you can still go and make the day special for yourselves. Try to be happy for her instead of offended. I'd find it pretty cool if a friend of mine was getting married the exact year after me and I was invited to their wedding. It'd be the best thing ever, free party, I'd get to see my friends. It'd be crazy to say, exactly one year ago it was our wedding and at our anniversary we're at another wedding :D

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