Wedding Forum - Evening Reception Catering Numbers. Helppp! :(( - Page 1

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Wedding Forum - Evening Reception Catering Numbers. Helppp!...

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    • Lianne_e
    Hiya all, Sorry its long

    I know that this has probably been done lots of times on here already, but I'm really stuck on how many we need to cater for in the evening reception :(.

    We are having 60 guests (50 adults and 10 children) in the day, so are already catering for 55 people in the evening because we are having a package deal with our venue. I'm working it out on 55 because the children are half the adult price in the day, so counting 2 children as 1 adult for the buffet, the children will still be there in the evening, but didn't know how the venue will work it so being safe :). 3 of the day guests will be leaving early so wont be there for the evening and we are inviting 84 more guests for the reception. We are not getting married until 2.30pm so should be sitting down for the 3 course wedding breakfast at about 4pm. We are also having a chocolate fountain between 7-10pm, which is catering for 150 guests and people say our venue is usually pretty good for portion sizes. So how many more people do you think we should cater for in the evening? Our venue said that they don't mind if we under cater, but said they will cater for what we tell them and won't be held responsible if we run out of food (which is fair enough).

    I am so all over the place with this and am lost on what to do :(( We dont want to run out of food, but at the same time I dont want to waste food or money over catering, its £12 per person for additional guests and we are trying to spend as little as possible. I've also been told by people to factor in that not everyone will show up, but thats like asking what came first the chicken or the egg!! lol. Its just so hit and miss! I have asked for RSVPs but not everyone tells you :((.

    How are you all planning on working out your numbers?

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    • CupCake
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    If you are eating late for the wedding breakfast and also having a chocolate fountain, I personally wouldn't go too mad with buffet food hun. Some people might have already eaten before they come to the evening reception too. I can honestly say I've never been to a wedding that ran out of food, everyone under caters in the evening for these reasons. If you have 140 people I'd only cater for 120 or even less, you know how much your friends and family eat.
    I had chips as my evening food I under catered and there were still some left because we had a late wedding breakfast.

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    • MrsSaraParry!
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    well we've got a package and we're paying for each guest that will be there in the evening as its part of the package. But I'd say for you, if you're inviting an additional 84 guests, then I'd cater for around 65 of them, plus whoever was there in the day. That way if some dont show up it won't matter, and there ought to be enough food without there being too much.
    Now that's just my opinion of course, and it may be wildly inaccurate, but thats just what I'd do :o) xxx
    • lows
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i would cater for all your pure evening guests plus half the day guests as the day guest will prob have a smaller helping of buffet. At my SIL wedding i didnt touch the evening buffet as i was still stuffed from the wedding breakfast.
    ask your venue what is the typical amount as they should give you an honest opinion based on other weddings they have done before.
    • ocean
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i'd cater for 75/85 % of the guests...


    1 - people that don't arrive
    2 - people that don't eat buffet food
    3 - people that are too busy to eat buffet food (major components to wedding party, bride groom etc etc)

    :) hope this helps xx
    • Jakesmummy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm having this problem too, our venue have told us we have to cater for 100% of our guests but we re not, not at £16 a head, like previous posts have stated some people dont turn up, most day guests will probably still be full from the wedding breakfast and you can gaurantee the kids will be too busy dancing to bother about eating. We have got 156 evening guests but we are telling our venue we have 126..there not gonna stand and count them are they lol xx
    • becky -mrs firth
      CommentAuthorbecky -mrs firth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    iw dunt cater for 150 onchocolate foundation at nite, cos no offence not alot gets eaten, choclate n beer dont mix i wud knock that down to 80ish!

    we areinvitin about 160 to evening and catering for 100 x

    Engaged 27th November 2010
    Hen Do Newcastle 2nd June 2012
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    Honeymoon To Jamaica 14th October 2012
    • CommentAuthorkrissy905
    i would cater for about 80% of your guests i cant see you running out of food the day guests will just pick if they have any at all as your not eating till 4 so not going to finish till 6ish anyway so cant see many being hungry think you could even get away with 75%.
    • Jill
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Our venue suggests catering for 80% with the buffet x

    29th September 2012
    Cant wait to be Mrs D!

    • x~Hails~x
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Talk to your venue and see what they suggest
    Our original venue told us only to cater for 75% of our evening guests
    The venue we have now said 80% if we were having a buffet but as we are only having bacon rolls and mini chip cones in the evening we we are catering for 100% of our guests (100 guests).
    We are also having a sweetie/dessert buffet opening up after these are served which will include 2 mini choc fountains (milk choc and white choc)

    Our wedding is at 2, meal is at 4. Bacon rolls served around 7.30 and the sweet/dessert buffet opens around 8ish!!

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    • Jill
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    There's a thought hails... we're going with bacon rolls too... it's one thing to run out of general buffet stuff but imagine only having 80% of rolls then everyone wants one. Hmmm, might need to rethink that! x

    29th September 2012
    Cant wait to be Mrs D!

    • Mel D
      CommentAuthorMel D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We catered for 60% of total people who would be there in the evening, and we had some left over xx

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    • becky -mrs firth
      CommentAuthorbecky -mrs firth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    the venue are gunna tell u to cater for more... wat company wudnt wanna make more money? am doin wiv mel did x

    Engaged 27th November 2010
    Hen Do Newcastle 2nd June 2012
    Marrying the man of my dreams 11th August 2012!
    Honeymoon To Jamaica 14th October 2012
    • NatashaB40
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I would cater for about 100 ish as you say you are eating late. We are having a hog roast so our min numbers are 100 but to get discounts on room, dj etc we need to cater for 120 and when I worked it out it was cheaper to do that than pay for the people going!!! Crazy hey!! So we will be eating hog for days lo :-)
    • CommentAuthorFuture mrs mac
    I wouldn't add on anymore as I was told to cater for 70-80% of evening guests plus your having a fountain.
    We're having around 110 during the day and more at night but not adding on any extra as having a sweetie buffet 2 x
    • Future Mrs Doublé
      CommentAuthorFuture Mrs Doublé
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I will cater during evening for about 50% as our buffet is very big (5 different things and not mini portions), and we're having a three tier that can cater for about 150ppl and I am making a Groom's cake that could cater for about 30 ppl

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    • Katya
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I always advise to cater for approx 75% of total guests regardless of age. So if you are having 50 day time guests and another 50 for the evening so there will be 100 guests total so you would cater for 75 guests. this way you are not likely to run out of food but at the same time if some of your evening guests have not eaten a full meal expecting to have a buffet available they will not get hungry

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    • Mrs Davro
      CommentAuthorMrs Davro
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I would cater for around 75%.
    I am catering for all that rsvp as my family are big eaters and as we are having a pub function room if there is any food left I'll just let the landlord tell everyone else to help themselves.
    • Mrs Ross
      CommentAuthorMrs Ross
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Our venue has told us to cater for 80% of total guests which ours is 72 day guests and 88 evening guests
    • Lianne_e
    Thank you ladies :). I'm still a bit torn, it sounds like theres a lot of variation between venues. I'll give our venue a ring tomorrow and see what they say x

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