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Wedding Forum - Entertainment??!!...

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    • sam73
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I am having a DJ for the wedding, but i quite liked the idea of having entertainment for people to amuse themselves when they first get to the venue before the meal, i thought a harp player but h2b isnt keen which is ok. But i think we should have something, he however thinks it would be a waste of money which would be better spent on a honeymoon or something. I am just wondering if your having any different types of entertainment and how much it cost, to see if i could get something cheaply :)
    • Emsy5000
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    we are playing games with our guest so while they are waiting for dinner we are going to play signature bingo. so people will start mingling. during dinner we are going to have trivial pursuit cards and a game i can't remember what its called but you each have a piece of paper, first your wright a sentence on it then pass it on, and the next person has the draw what you wrote folding over the paper so the next person can't see the sentience, the next person writes what they guess the first person rote and then passes it to another drawer till it comes back to the first person and you can have a good giggle at drawings and guesses. then we are playing board games all night!!

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    its spelt wrong
    I No! I Now! I Know!!!!!
    • Mrs-West-2B
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    We are having a singer for when we get there and through our meal, he is £245 and sings michael buble, frank sinartra etc. Then a local radio dj in the evening that came in with the price of the venue x

    10th September 2011 Here I Come.!!

    • sam73
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Ive seen some card tables that come with a croupier which looks good, and i thought maybe this would be good for the blokes that dont want to dance, but the tables come as a set and are £500 my h2b definatly wont be happy if i book that ha ha!
    • mcquire81
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Im hoping to hire a caricaturist to go round doing portraits of my guests, should serve as a talking point, a bit of fun and a little memento of the day!
    • x ashlil x
      CommentAuthorx ashlil x
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i want the caricaturist as well x
    • Lisa Ramos
      CommentAuthorLisa Ramos
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I want a caricaturist as well. Have any of you got any quotes for one?

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    I love my lickle Ava

    • sam73
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i had a quote for one when i went to a wedding fair but i thought it was expensive, £350
    • Lisa Ramos
      CommentAuthorLisa Ramos
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Yeah I didn't want to spend that much

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    I love my lickle Ava

    • sarahuttley2b-[keera
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    we are having a local band play,they are learning all are fav songs and doing an hour and half set.x

    Members signature icon
    i sarah louise duncan do take thee daniel paul uttley to be
    my AWFULL wedded husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
    my heart is overwellmed with the love i feel for him,
    my life,my love,my
    • XLittleMissMe!X
    Chuck on some ready made CD's for background music and if you want them to do something before hand chuck some board games out etc. You find most people manage to entertain themselves at a wedding. Most of the ones I have been to we have had a good time without the need of harpists and all the other kind of entertainments they advertise.

    • sarahuttley2b-[keera
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    and if your really set on something like that to cut back the cost try your local collages for music students,theres some really good ones and will be happy at a bit of money,so you get what you want at a fraction of the price.x

    Members signature icon
    i sarah louise duncan do take thee daniel paul uttley to be
    my AWFULL wedded husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
    my heart is overwellmed with the love i feel for him,
    my life,my love,my
    • sam73
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Well i would like to have loads of things but h2b thinks its unneccessary and a waste of money and he maybe right i just dont want people to get bored, i went to a wedding a couple of years ago and we were waiting around for 3 hours at the venue before we could eat or anything and there was no entertainment for us and we were all so fed up and bored.
    • Hunny Bunny
      CommentAuthorHunny Bunny
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I have booked a magicain - not the kids party type - from 8pm till 10pm and we also have a disco and a live band playing 3 sets. Still carn't decided what to do about the band as you can pay an extra 400 for the pleasure of choosing your own songs for them to play, but given we carn't even decided on a first dance, I'm not sure that would be a good idea. We have also booked a creche for the children, so they will be well entertained!

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    Met Dec 04~Engaged Feb 05~Finally getting married 3rd Sept

    Start Weight ~ 08.03.11 *198lbs* Current weight 181lbs
    lost 1st 4lbs !!!!
    • Madam Butterfly
      CommentAuthorMadam Butterfly
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We may be having a pianist/organist as when we went for a meal at the hotel to try out the food there was one there playing and it created a lovely atmosphere. The manager said to pop in and have a listen as the have different ones, so see who we like and maybe they can play. Think he said they pay them £50 so if we get charged that I don't think its too bad :)

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    You To Me Are Everything
    The Sweetest Song That I Could Sing
    Oh Baby
    16th June 2012 x

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