Wedding Forum - Does it look ok?

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Wedding Forum - Does it look ok?...

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    • MrsC2bee
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hi I have done a trial run of my invites and was wondering if you ladies could look and tell me if I'm missing anything? Or done the wording wrong ( some will be changed due to not knowing exact details yet and stuff being confirmed but in general are they 'good enough' ( in stationary folder) thanks x
    • CommentAuthorMrsRobson2Be
    I think they look fab x
    • CommentAuthorSamanthaW362
    where is the stationary folder??
    i cant see it
    • KirstyR386
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Samantha, go into View Photos on MrsC2bee's profile and the folder is in there.

    I think they look great. You've definitely got all the info You need. I think I like the first writing of your names for the invite more than the second, its just a bit more formal. X
    • TheNewMrsBarrett
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I think they look fab hon, I agree with Kirsty and prefer the font on the first pic of your names too. Xx
    • ErinP42
    Think they look fab x
    • MrsC2bee
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Thanks ladies, I'm just waiting on aall the bits so can start them properly :) we have decided we are going to see who wants to go on the bus before invites go out so we can book it and have the times ect on the invites. Now just have to try n get them all to commit and actually pay toward it if they want to use it!
    • MichelleC961
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    They are nice but I would choose a less blocky font so it is more in keeping with your names, something a bit more elegant ? also the 1.00 seems quite large and a bit out of proportion possibly, you could just put 1pm?

    It's so difficult to know what to do, I suppose it depends whet the look and feel of your wedding is, so don't mean to offend, just personal taste :-) xx

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    • MrsC2bee
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Haha don't worry Michelle you haven't offended :) I like different opinions as helps make you think of different ideas and views. i've gone for different fonts hoping the names stand out abit more as seen the style on another invite so sort of copied. It tweaked it lol. I might alter the 1.00 a little although I like that it's different as sort of breaks up the page abit. I have all the bits now just need to final the wording on some and print :)

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