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    • VikkiH53
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hi all, I'm after your opinion!

    Yesterday, I fell down the stairs and landed on our tiled hallway floor. After a trip to A&E I have managed to break my fifth metatarsal and chip and sprained my ankle (just for good measure!)

    I have booked two wedding dress appointments for Saturday to continue my search for THE dress (having already been to 4 shops and tried on over 30 dresses). One of the appointments is to go and try a dress on i've put on hold.

    I've got to keep it elevated for 48 hours (today and tomorrow) and I'm in a walking boot...for probably six weeks :( I keep the appointments and go and try on dresses and just take it slowly (my mum is coming with me so she can drive). Or do I cancel and rearrange for mid Jan when, although I will still be on the boot I might be a bit more mobile.

    I am getting married at the end of June 2016 so everyone is telling me I really should have chosen the dress by end of Jan at the latest.

    Any advice greatly appreciated. The only plus point is that I have plenty of time to finish wedding invitations and research the big long list of things we still need to do!
    • Emily17
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    What style of dress are you looking at? if it isn't a fitted on then shouldn't be too bad if you take it easy and have breaks between standing etc.

    If its a dress tighter around your legs you may struggle to see what they are like.

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    Met in 2009
    He proposed Jan 2014
    Will become Mrs P 7th October 2017
    • Mrs Jones
      CommentAuthorMrs Jones
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground

    I can appreciate your frustration around not having found the dress, especially with the clock ticking. I would still go and look at the dresses as it may be the day that you actually find the one. However, like Emily if you're looking at tight dresses, I wouldn't as you'rne not going to be able to see what they would really look like on.

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    First Date 26 April 2014
    Proposed 27 June 2015
    Happily Married 18 June 2016
    • Mrs T Hurley!
      CommentAuthorMrs T Hurley!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I think the best thing to do is to speak to the bridal shop. They will be best placed to say whether or not to rebook
    Saying that, if the doctors have told you to keep it elevated for 48 hours, then it's probably best to rebook.

    Ignore what people say about when you should be getting your wedding dress. There are weddings that are done in 6 weeks, not to mention DTTB!

    Wishing you a speedy recovery x

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    Met 18/09/03
    Engaged 06/09/08
    Getting married 05/09/17
    • Glitterfairy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I agree, phone them up and ask their opinion, if you are dosed up on painkillers and your Mum could drop you off outside the shop before parking so not too much walking about you might be alright.

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    Our wedding day - 6 October 2012

    • StephH96
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Just do what you are comfortable with, and if you don't feel you can go just let the shop know and rearrange, ~I'm sure they'd understand.

    Mrs Hurley is right though DTTB only have 3 weeks to get everything done (although there must be some prep but not 6 months!) and they always have a lovely dress.

    I've not even started looking yet and I get married in July, so don't worry :)
    • Becci93
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Can you take someone with you that's a similar size that can try the dress on for you so you can see how it looks? It's not quite the same but you can rule it in or out without being in pain?

    • InDreamland
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Oh ouch, wishing you a speedy recovery!

    If you think you can manage it then still go along but if you feel it's going to be too painful or difficult to get in and out of dresses then reschedule. Maybe give the stores a call to let them know what has happened and ask if they think it'll be okay or if they suggest rescheduling.

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    Married the love of my life on Saturday 11th May 2013 xxx
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    • KirstyR386
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    It might be worth going and at least trying the dress you have on hold. If its the one then great, decision made but if it turns out to not be quite right at least you can rule it out and browse the web for other options, also meaning the shop can offer it to other brides. Hope you get better soon x
    • VikkiH53
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Thanks everyone! I did go ahead with both shops and so glad I did. The dress I had on hold although it was nice it wasn't quite how I remembered it. However, I did try on 6 dresses in the other shop and have found a gorgeous one which is exactly what I was hoping for, and in budget (including veil and alternations) so I'm mega happy I went ahead and went and was worth hopping around for a few hours :)
    • Emily17
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I saw your other post and thought you must have gone. Hope it wasn't too painful x

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    Met in 2009
    He proposed Jan 2014
    Will become Mrs P 7th October 2017
    • VikkiH53
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    It got painful after I had tried on all the dresses I liked. Had a rest before trying the dress I've decided on for the second time. It was very saw that afternoon but well worth it!
    • Glitterfairy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I shall close this one now as you've got the new one on getting the dress. Well done

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    Our wedding day - 6 October 2012


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