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    • clive
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Ok girls, I need your help.

    Our ceremony starts at 11.30am. so we will be married by midday-ish. Allowing an hour and a half for photos, this means our guests are going to be pretty ravenous.-not to mention thirsty! So, do we cater for this after the ceremony to keep hunger pains at bay? also why food do you reckon?
    • Tikobear
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Hey Clive

    We're having some homemade canapes with the welcome drinks (while we have our photos) and then having a cavery type meal, no starter (they just had canapes!) and no pudding (we're serving the cake and we have a homemade pick & mix table!)

    I always said I wanted canapes as I've been to many weddings where I'm starving by the time the meal is served so thought I'd keep them happy with a few nibbles and a welcome drink!

    It all depends on you budget too, so see what you can afford, decide what type of meal you want, call a few companies, then play them off against each other to get the lowest price! We did and our meal (including: serving, napkins, cake cutting, pouring of drinks etc etc) is costing us £14p/hd - Down from the highest quote of £28!!


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    Tikobear :)

    • srk37
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We are also having some small homemade canapes with drinks while photos are being taken. Just keeps people going until the meal I think! Doesn't need to be much, just a little something to nibble on :)
    • almost a year wife!!
      CommentAuthoralmost a year wife!!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    hi! were having afternoon tea instead of a trad wedding breakfast...were getting married at 2pm so hope t serve at 330-400ish then a finger or hog roast or bbq we aint decided yet xxxxxxx

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    Ill marry my hero

    • Elle23
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We are not serving canapes
    Welcome drinks yes but not canapes
    We get married at 1pm and wedding breakfast will be around 3.30-4pm
    Our thinking is that people can have a big/late breakfast

    ALTHOUGH.......I am in the process of obtaining quotes for an ice cream van (vintage) or trike!
    If the budget can stretch, there will be ice cream on the lawn after the ceremony!!!!

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    To be wed on our 10 year anniversary! 23.08.2013

    • clive
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    hi srk37,

    That is exactly what we want. nothing fancy, just something to keep 'em from grumbling!:o)))
    • suzky123
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    we get married at 12 with the bridal breakfast at 3 and so we are defo having canapes as we are worried that guests will complain of feeling hungry. We are serving:
    Peking dusk baskets, cucumber and hoi sin sauce
    Red chilli and lemon grass chicken, lemon mayo on side if possible or dont include it.
    mozzarella and tomato pizza but without the drizzled ginger.
    provided they honor the original menu that they then changed grrr. We dont like any of the new ones x

    cant wait to be Mrs Evans less than 3 weeks woooo
    start weight 10st 1.5 lbs
    weight now 8st 4.5 lbs
    total loss to date: 24.5 lbs now need to maintain!
    • Ha_x3
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i would definatly arrange some sort of snack for your guests

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    Mrs Lunn
    08/05/12 was the best day of my life
    & I love my husband with all my heart xxxx
    • CommentAuthorbridalmiss
    Maybe some welcome drinks after the ceremony, but to be honest I'd just pop a note in with your invites to suggest your guests have a substantial breakfast beforehand given the time of the ceremony etc and they won't be eating again till say 3pm!
    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    why not ask guests to bring a bag of crisp or ask guests to pop some sarnies in thier bags lol lol

    • Jill
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    We're having canapes, we werent going to be having them but mil2b wanted them there and offered to pay for them, I also wanted them really but h2b thought the were an unnecessary expense... problem solved! Ours wil be 5 of the following

    Mushroom tartlet
    Melon and parma ham
    Haggis Fritters
    Mini baked potatoes with butter and chives (which are delicious btw - didnt think they'd be for me)
    Smokes salmon blinis (also lovely despite not being a big fan of salmon)
    Goats cheese and onion tartlet
    Black pudding and tomato served on little bready bites
    Chocolate dipped strawberries
    Heart shaped strawberries

    I wanted the dipped strawberries but think we'll go for something more savoury and more likely to line the stomach :) x

    29th September 2012
    Cant wait to be Mrs D!


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