Wedding Forum - Cancel or changing date?

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    • ShaunieM
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Me and my partner booked an amazing venue for august 2015 but im a total worrier and im worried were not gonna be able to afford it as were paying for it by ourselves. We paid £350 deposit so if we cancel we lose that and we need to cancel without any further payment before 12months. Would you cancel and save in an account and then rebook or would you carry on and just hope it plans out?
    • AlexN29
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    It depends on if you can realistically pay for it and all the other bits or not. Me and my h2b worry about money but we know if we stick to our saving plan we will have enough and a bit extra just in case. If you look at what you can save and you can't save it, then cancel. Otherwise you would just have to pay it on credit cards, I don't think have a wedding is enough of a reason to get into debt.
    • ShaunieM
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i would never pay it on credit card because i have same feelings as you i dont feel its enough reason to be in debt, i recently lost my job and we lost our flat and everything just not being able to afford it all, i really dont want to cancel but feel may be my only option, my mum says dont cancel coz she is due to come into money and she would happily pay for it but i think what if that money doesnt come in time then we are going to end up with no wedding and still having to pay a balance.
    • AlexN29
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Can you move it back a year? That way keeping your deposit but giving yourselves more time?
    • almost a year wife!!
      CommentAuthoralmost a year wife!!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Seeing they will transfer the date for you

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    Ill marry my hero

    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    how long have you got till your date ( your profile is restricted so we cant see ) after all its different trying to save for a date in 6 months than in 5 years

    • ShaunieM
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    my date is just over a year a way and i think if i move date i will still loose my deposit
    • LauraY27
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Although we're not quite in the same situation. We have changed the date and our venue due to upcoming ivf and the possibility of being on maternity leave. We didn't want to have to afford what we thought was our dream venue. So we've changed from a lovely barn costing £5365 to a beautiful village hall and marquee which is costing about £1000 plus £750 for a massive hog roast. This has meant we can have our Saturday wedding. We have lost our £500 deposit but this far outweighs what were saving.

    If you just want to be married then this is a great option. Your deposit is probably non-transferable too. Hope everything works out for you xx
    • CatherineR
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    you won't loose the deposit if you stay with the same venue. it's if you cancel completely and not get married there at all that you'll loose the deposit

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    Married my wife on 15.08.15
    Honeymooned on the Isles of Scilly :)

    • *The NewMrsMalin*
      CommentAuthor*The NewMrsMalin*
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I agree with everyone else; just ask them if you can move it back a year or sit down with your h2b and see how much you can both realistically put by each month and see how much you can save and if it is not enough then push back a year :)

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    • *KelBel*
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    U need to check your terms and conditions of contract as you may lose your deposit if u change date at the same venue...ppl can't say u won't because they don't know your see if they won't be able to fill the slot u have but they could fill the one you want to change to then they may possibly charge u your full deposit or at least a large admin fee! Do your research first x

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    • Whovianbride
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Most venues I know will not penalise you for changing the date, will, just transfer the deposit to the new date. I did this not that long ago, only thing it cost me extra was changing the date with the registra which was £10 admin fee.

    You either need to work out how much to can afford to save between you between now and then then see how many people you can afford to invite, and if you really want more people etc or extra stuff then you will have to look at moving it back to be able to save longer.

    There's a budget bride thread showing you break down of costs for different things, but different brides spend more on different things dependant on what's important to them, for some its the dress while others opt for 2nd hand etc, some music's important or the food.for us its music.

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    Met June 2009 on my Birthday,Met again July 2009 and got
    together, May 2010 Moved in,Jan 2011 got pregnant,
    August 2011 Got our own place, 2011 Had our Baby Girl,
    Dec 2011 Got engaged, July 2015 Getting married! Yay!
    • CatherineR
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Ditto, I have never once come across anywhere that will penalize you for changing your date if you are staying with the same venue. Even if you do change, if you have wedding insurance then you are covered and will get it back, simples!

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    Married my wife on 15.08.15
    Honeymooned on the Isles of Scilly :)


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