Wedding Forum - Bit worried :-(

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Wedding Forum - Bit worried :-(...

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    • Izzyi'mbusy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Been on here drips and drabs but really been putting it off in some ways,
    Me and oh been arguing which has took my magic out the wedding
    Not really got my wedding sparkle and at the min can't even be bothered...what can I do to make it come back?

    Other than these few things everything else ok
    • DonnaH39
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I suppose it depends really, what have you been arguing about?

    Is it down to stress or something else?

    You probably need to get to the bottom of the arguments to really get your sparkle back, it's hard to get excited about marrying someone if your not happy.. (don't get me wrong I'm not saying your not happy together but there must be something going on to cause the arguments... we had the same a month or so again and it turned out oh was worrying about work and letting it get to him and spill over into our life)

    • BethanyS
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I agree with Donna, it depends what you have been arguing about? Sometimes a wedding can put pressure on a relationship and it is best to take a step back. x
    • almost a year wife!!
      CommentAuthoralmost a year wife!!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    You need to talk to each other... Weddings being on a lot of stress and financial pressure... Do a date night or something xxxx

    Members signature icon
    Ill marry my hero

    • sarah
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    exactly what I was thinking Missweedles :-)

    • Hayley Elizabeth
      CommentAuthorHayley Elizabeth
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I think we've probably all been there at times sweets, it's a very stressful time. Me and OH have been in the same position but we sat down and talked about it. We agreed not to let it come between us and to remind ourselves why we're under this stress and preassure, is because we love each other and want to get married.
    I'd definitely go down the talking to him route, just to put yourself at ease xx
    • CommentAuthorFranM76
    I agree with everyone else - talk to your OH. I had a wobble a week or 2 ago - I sat down with my H2B and told him my worries and how I felt. We had a good heart to heart, he gave me a massive cuddle and reiterated his love for me and how excited he is about the wedding/marriage. You gotta talk hun xx
    • Megs84
    When me and oh had an arguement, my mum suggested we go for a meal and not think about the wedding. Planning can take over your life, so a day/evening off every so often can make all the difference! Xx
    • CharlotteE98
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Me and OH have had some blazing rows over our wedding! Everything from money to who goes on the guest list. The Marriage Preparation Day that we went to last weekend made us realise that we need to enjoy the organisation because the time goes so quickly.

    I do agree with what others have said. Go out for a drink and have a chat. You'll probably both feel better getting things off your chest. Good luck!

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