Wedding Forum - Anyone hiring a photography student? - Page 1

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    • eebeegeebee
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Like many others I'm finding photographers a bit extortionate...I found one I really loved who was affordable but she's already got a booking for our wedding day so unfortunately that's out! I was thinking of hiring a photography student or something like that but wanted to know if anyone else has tried this, or if they know where best to find one! I'm not even sure where to start....xx

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    • Mrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      CommentAuthorMrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    You would want to see some of their work I would think first & tell them what you are looking for, ask what experience they have, there is another thread that someone a supplier actually gave some good advice about photographers, let me find it & post a link in here for you.
    • Mrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      CommentAuthorMrs Rebecca Hossfeld
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Here is the link hun

    • MrsKragle
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm still in 6th form so know people doing creative media which includes photography so our photographer is free, and although professional photographers have experience photography students can produce some really good work and doing weddings look great in their portfolios, so the better they make it for you, the better it makes it for them!
    • mrs pinkalice
      CommentAuthormrs pinkalice
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i had thought about it but most professional photographers come with contracts/terms and conditions etc and are registered with certain organisations (i dont really understand but aparently its important lol) and I don't think a student would have that. we couldn't find an affordable photgrapher either so have just gone with an expensive one as photo's are really important to us and don't want to end up being disappointed

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    • eebeegeebee
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Thanks Eilowny, that's really helpful! Reading it actually made me remember I may know someone I can ask who's an apprentice for a magazine photographer after studying it at uni...I'll give that a shot first.
    I just can't justify spending £500-1000 on photos...

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    • G.I
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    You could try Kevsgirl. She was offering to do some weddings for her portfolio but not sure if she has enough now or if she would cover your area, Might be worth messaging her though, shes lovely and a fantastic photographer x
    • eebeegeebee
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Ooh thanks I'll get in touch with her!

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    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i maybe getting touch with the photographic dept at the uni here

    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    got a friend who did photograpy at uni so may ask her ......but want to have her as a guest

    • Puddleduck87
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I got in touch with my local college. Told the tutors what I was looking for, they reccomended the top of the class
    I looked at her work, I had a word with her. Shes doing my photos for me for £25 on the day, £40 when she brings me a disk with them on and I am giving her the rights to use them in her portfolio and a written reference for any future jobs. x
    • mrsjones
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My friend is doing our photo's, he is a photography student, i've seen lots of his work so i trust him, but you do need to be careful with inexperienced people i think as you do not want to be disappointed for the rest of your life. x
    • cuddlez80
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    im using a good friend of the family whos a student iv seen her stuff shes just as good and alot cheaper , i also had a amatur do my 1st wedding and the pics were brilliant
    • mummyto2
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    is anyone else using a student for their wedding, its sounding like a good idea, as we cant afford £650.++++

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    im a married women now
    mrs carson-moores

    i love my hubby and my kids with all my heart and soul
    • XLittleMissMe!X
    As a photographer myself I have done one wedding and they are not as easy as you think. Its not only about being able to change the settings quickly to the lighting conditions but you also have to be able to organise people! There are many good students out there so I would consider them. If you are considering doing it then there are a few things I would recommend to help both you and the photographer.

    Ask them if they have a spare camera/lens should one break (it does happen) They may be able to hire equipment from college.
    Remember when your standing in groups that gaps between people look awful on photos so get people to bunch in.
    Be prepared to stand around longer while they check they have got the shot right.
    Ask for a pre wedding shoot. (this gives you a chance to see how they capture you and get extra photo's)
    Make sure they have a lens with a low apeture(f1.4-2.8 would be ideal) or they will never be able to get a good indoor shot of you without it being blurred.
    Ask them what they know about flashes and make sure they use a good diffuser on it. Normal camera flashes are very harsh and won't make you look your best.
    Make sure you like them as a person (you don't want to feel uncomfy with them)
    Always ask to see their work (ideally you want a student that has done lots of portraiture)
    Make sure they have spare batteries that are charged.
    Remember you may have to take charge of the shots and call people that you want as they may not feel able to do this.
    Show them images you like from other photographers to give you an idea of what you want so they can replicate them.
    Ask what knowledge they have of photoshop or other editing software so they can convert to black and white etc or hide a spot or two.
    Ask if they know of any other student they could work with. You have a higher chance of getting what you want with another camera as well and they will both have different styles.

    I'm sure there are more things but that should help you. x x

    What XjoX said is all entirely true.

    If you have no money, then a student is not a bad way to go. They may not be able to answer most of the questions XjoX has raised - but on the other hand - you can ask them to take those questions to their tutor who can show them why it's all important.

    Shooting weddings well is one of the hardest things photographers do, for all sorts of reasons, and experience definitely counts for a lot. As I say to all brides - the photos are the only things you'll have in 20 years - consider your budget for everything else against your photos.

    - Simon Walden, Wedding Photographer
    • debs x
      CommentAuthordebs x
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My Daughter had a student for her wedding last year and he did brilliantly, he gave her the disc with all the photos on and we all printed what we wanted and he only charged her £150 x
    • mummyto2
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    thanks for the info, its something for me to think about

    Members signature icon
    im a married women now
    mrs carson-moores

    i love my hubby and my kids with all my heart and soul

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