Wedding Forum - Anyone good at poem writing? Help!

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Wedding Forum - Anyone good at poem writing? Help!...

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    • ShannonK05
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    Hi everyone!

    I've not been on here in such a long time, but things are really starting to come together now and I seem to have hit my first hurdle which I'm really struggling on!

    I've written (tried to write) a poem to our guests explaining why we would prefer money to gifts. My fiance and I live in Barcelona and, as it explains in the poem, it would be really difficult to take gifts back/ buy vouchers etc. It's pretty naff and I'm really struggling to make it sound better!

    If you happen to be a poem-whizz and wouldn't mind having a go and seeing if you can do any better or even just change some lines, I'd be forever grateful!


    We haven't got a wedding list,
    the reason we'll explain,
    is to save you all the hassle as shopping is a pain.

    We live in Spain, no reasons to complain!
    It’s beautiful and sunny and there’s very little rain,
    But of course there is a down side which we will explain,
    it’s impossible for us to take any gifts back on the plane!

    There’s no Argos in Barcelona
    No Debenhams or John Lewis
    And although we’d love lots of homely gifts,
    EasyJet just won’t let us!

    So this poem is to request
    In the kindest possible way
    that if you plan to buy us a gift

    We just want you with us on our special day,
    But if you insist on a gift anyway,
    We hope you don’t think we’re being funny!
    But we’d really appreciate a gift of money,
    We’ll put it all together and buy something that’s best,
    As a reminder of our day and our wonderful guests.

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