Wedding Forum - Any Make Up Tips?? - Page 1

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    • CommentAuthorRachaelC80
    Hello ladies,

    I get really dark circles under my eyes and will use a concealer on the day of the Wedding.
    But, do any of you have anymore tips??

    Should I use a foundation too??
    Would an eye cream help??
    What brands do you reccomend??

    Also, do any of you have anymore make up tips??

    Getting lipstick to last longer??
    Making eyelashes more full??
    Etc, etc??

    Any make up tips welcome!!!
    • KimD7
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    i use a base that is blue (you can buy a green one that does the same job) in colour under my foundation as this settles any read or dark circles thne an illumationing pen to hide dark circles...
    lots of beauty counters do make overs for free or a charge but you get the money back when you buy a product.

    I use an eye gel and it really makes a differnce.

    The body shop are giving free makeovers away.

    Mascara i find it is case of building layers but giving time for each layer to dry or it gets all clogged up.
    Lipstick I colour my lips in a pencil the same colour as my lipstick or use a neutral gloss over then pencil.
    • brilly
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I use a mineral foundation powder its great, I have rosie cheeks and slight blood vessels in my cheeks off working out in the cold as a fruiter years ago the mineral foundation hides them brilliantly. As for eyelashes you can get eyelash fillers hun where a trainer beautician adds fake eyelashes but they last for weeks x

    31st August 2013 I became Mrs Carrick
    Cant wait to do it all over again in 2018

    • sarah
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    A good thing to do is fight the cause of dark circles whether its getting more sleep, treating allergies, or using cold spoons or cucumber slices to constrict blood vessels. My H2B uses a really great cream that helps to reduce the darkness of his circles, i'll pop the name on your wall.

    • CommentAuthorRachaelC80
    There's some good tips there!!!

    Do you have any tips that you use in your own beauty regime that we may not know??

    I was once told to use a lightner just on the top of my lips to make them look fuller??

    Care to share any other tips??!!

    • LauraJo87
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Ooh I'm bookmarking this thread! Xx

    My Beating Heart Belongs To You
    30 August 2013

    The First Day Of My Happily Ever After
    • AbbieB56
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hiya, don't use a blue or green base under your eyes as this wont cover darkness, green counteracts redness, for darkness under your eyes firstly you need a eye creme to use am and pm that treats dark circles then you need a peach or pink toned concealer as this counteracts the bluey dark circles this needs to be half a shade lighter than the foundation you are wearing.
    Don't put foundation under your eyes too as this will sit to heavy and because te consistency isn't formulated to go around the eyes ( the skin around eye area is 40% thinner than skin on rest of face) you could end up causing puffiness which will make dark circles look worse. This is the same with a moisturiser don't put this around your eyes only use an eye creme there.
    Trust me I'm a makeup artist! Let me know if you need any more advice :) xx
    • Shazk
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    To make lipstick last longer if you dab liquid foundation on ur lip 1st then let it dry them allpy lipstick its ment to last longer xx

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    • Tori
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I also have issues with dark circles except when I go on holiday when I have really late nights! The difference is abroad I drink litres of water. At home I try and make an effort to drink loads of water - at least a glass every hour and my circles will reduce after a week or so.

    Try and drink loads between now and the wedding, unfortunately it will mean you also pee loads!!!

    • JennyHeather
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I get dark circles under my eyes as well. I don't wear makeup so I'm leaving it to my hair/makeup person to sort me out lol.

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    • RachaelC84
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm having airbrush done, anyone had this before?
    • Tatty
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I use mineral makeup too and there is a primer fro the minerals that are bare that creates an amazing base, really helps with dark circles and uneven skin tone. x

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    • Rennie1989
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    The Channel 4 website (beauty section) has some videos and tips on how to apply make up and whats best to use for different looks, skin colour, skin type and more. Brands are mentioned, a good option and a cheaper option.

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