Wedding Forum - Affordable Wedding Venues in Yorkshire With DIY Catering - Page 1

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Wedding Forum - Affordable Wedding Venues in Yorkshire With...

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    • Charlotte
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hello All,

    Myself and Fiance are planning on getting married in spring/summer 2014, i've been looking online for venues in Yorkshire where you can have the wedding and the evening do in the same venue but we also would love to find somewhere we can do our own catering ideally with a hog roast/bbq or similar rather than a formal sit down meal, any ideas ladies?
    • emmaaa
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Whereabouts in Yorkshire roughly? Sheffield-wise there's the Wood Lane Countryside Centre, but if it's not your neck of Yorkshire that might not be any use!

    • mym72
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    There's a place near Leeds (Woodkirk Valley Country Club) that lets you do your own catering - and they have different rooms depending on the size of the wedding/party. We were going to have our evening reception there, but because it's the other side of Leeds to us, we stayed local.

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    • Charlotte
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We live in between Leeds, Harrogate & York so anywhere around that area would be ideal.
    • ClareS
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    could always approach venues and see if they're willing to do a hog roast for you? Failing that, some friends hired a massive room a the back of a hotel and they did their own food outside. More venues are having to be adaptable with everyone pulling their belts with. I think they're realising that although us brides want a lovely day that we're not going to be ripped off. They may charge you a room hire fee if you're supllying your own food.
    I've seen so many more places offering package deals as well that are pretty good.

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