Wedding Forum - A day in the life of a florist, at a wedding fair (west yorkshire) just for fun........... - Page 1

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    • mrs-b's
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Morning ladies (up super early today, feels like mothers day all over again....)

    Ok so im going to tell you what goes on at the wedding fair, just for fun - i hope its good then lol!!

    Today mrs bouquets is standing at the "heath cottage" wedding fair - in dewsbury, we do this one quiet often as its a local venue and we know some people who work there.

    Its 10-4 which is quiet a long time, especially when i have to talk constantly about wedding flowers, and will probably repeat myself 100 times lol!

    so in preperation yesterday, i.......... re did all my wedding folders, and started a wedding album, so all the photos that brides from the past have sent me i had to go print off (and it cost a fortune!!) then i felt like i was on blue peter, cutting sticking, pealing back the sticky pages, matching the same wedding photos............. but i must say the 1 i have filled so far looks brilliant, and im going to have a go at filling the other one today at the fair if i get time.

    so wedding fairs are nearly all the same, they start off quiet - as people like to stay in bed on a sunday morning, and get busier in the afternoon! I will probably bump into a few ladies whos wedding flowers I am already making so will be able to check orders with them and make any changes!! and perhaps take some new bookings, mainly though the idea is to just let people know we exist. although 99% of our work comes from reccomendations from other brides we like to do a coupld of wedding fairs to keep in touch with other wedding releated people like the cakes, dresses and so on...... so if anyone ever asks we can always reccomend anyone that we have seen.

    so my next job is to do my hair and makeup - dont want to terrify anyone.

    so speak to you all later.............
    let me know if anyone wants to know anything thats going on?

    • Lisa"n"Iain
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    ohhh wow - sounds busy busy busy. hope you have a lovely day and get lots of business- lol. id love to hear how u got on. also any pics would be fab (especially of the new cadburys purple rose you emailed me about- im sooooo excited). Lisa xx
    • mrs-b's
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    so............. here now, all set up and the ladies are comming in, and for a change (i dot know if any of your have already seen this) but here are girls dressed in the wedding dresses wandering around instead of them being hung up!!! ohhhhhh and i always end up next to the cake lady lol............. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate!!! xxx
    • x~Hails~x
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i love it when they walk round in the dresses, makes it soooo much easier to picture how it would look walking down the isle :-)
    Hope you have a great day babe and drum up lots more orders.

    Talking of orders im off to email that pic of the bouquet i was hoping you could make for me :-)

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    It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
    • mrs-b's
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    ok lv, so the wedding fair went quiet well, its was fairly busy 1st thing, and in the early afternoon, but after this it was really really quiet - but there were a few other fairs in the area so it hink people were racing around!!
    its always such a long and stressull day, noisy and busy - im off for some paracetamol lol!!
    we had the usual - looking through all the books and the photos then "im doing my own, so i was just looking at your ideas to copy" line!!! thankyou sooooo much - lovley to know im appreciated and my 3 years at college and 10 years experience counts for nothing lol!!! but hey not everyone is like that! thankgoodness!!
    we had a few enquieries and a couple of bookings, mostly silk though - which is new - there norammly fresh with us being so close to home.

    ohhhh,,, made some fab contacts, and hope to be displaying some of my work in a beautifull wedding dress shop in morley.
    and the cake lady makes som lovley cakes - in heckmondwyke - there was also a lovley photograpaher, and some great live music singers - so i anyone wants thier details i will happily pass them on - they cover yorkshire all of them!!


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