Wedding Tips & Advice for transport from the UKbride Community | UKbride

Wedding Tips from our Suppliers

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Transport Tips

We can do pickups at multiple spots, so keep that in mind when organising

Whether your weddings in a city centre, countryside or overseas, you'll want to get all your guests there at once & hassle free. Mini-bus hire allows exactly that, so just sit back & sip the bubbly!

Many transportation companies won't let you have drinks on board, so make sure you check the rules before hand. We encourage the fun, so have on-board bars, drinks, fridges & glassware for you!

Always get three quotes.

Be prepared for all weather, even in July!

Book ahead of time for availability

Browse our selection of high class wedding cars to find your favourite.

Take the time to give us a call .We are always happy to offer advice and may mention something you hadn't thought of or arrange a viewing to come and see the cars.

Keep in contact with our team in case any changes need to be made.

Your quote includes cream car ribbons. If you would like us to colour match your scheme please let us

Have the location information to hand when booking. Some towns have more than one church so the postcode is incredibly helpful to us when booking.

Make sure you have a confirmed date before booking your transport.

Talk to your photographer about good locations for your photographs after your ceremony. They know loads of great locations. But make sure you tell us too

Don't book your honeymoon for straight after the wedding, enjoy spending time with family and friends the morning after.

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