Wedding Tips & Advice for stationery / wedding albums from the UKbride Community | UKbride

Wedding Tips from our Suppliers

All of our suppliers are asked to provide tips to help brides-to-be plan their wedding. These tips can be invaluable when planning your wedding. Sort by Most Popular (as rated for by our members) or view the latest tips for an area of wedding planning you'd like advice for.

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Stationery / Wedding Albums Tips

Make sure the RSVP date gives you plenty of time to chase up any late replies well before your venue needs final numbers.

If you have a colour scheme or theme in mind, have this reflected in your stationery. The invitation is the first glimpse your guests get of what is to come and sets the tone of your big day.

List all the Stationery you want to include -work out approximate numbers. You can set a budget easier knowing quantity required

Colour Palettes - Take colours from your bouquet to add to your invitations to tie them together

Remember, you don't need 1 invitation per guest as most are couples or families, so check the number of invitations needed before ordering. You may want to add a couple of spares though -just in case.

Your only going to do this once - so let's do it right!

Plan your wedding for you - not other people.

Add to stationery with other co-ordinating items e.g. Guest Book, Post Box. Don't forget presents for Bridesmaids and Best Man! We can help

Relax! Don't stress - it will all come together.

Don't try to do your table plan too early on. Unavoidable things can happen meaning guests you are expecting may not be able to attend, don't stress!

Eat before you leave for the ceremony - it’s a long time between breakfast and the wedding breakfast! Make sure you get some lunch!

Don't be afraid to DIY your wedding and remember that many hands make light work so enlist your 'Team Bride' to help.

Proof read everything before allowing printing to start, check absolutely every detail.

Don't forget you will only need one invitation per couple, family or household. Don't get caught out and over order!

Keep it simple! If you're worrying it's too much, then it probably is...less is more, keep wedding stationery elegant and classic.

Read, and re-read your wedding stationery to make sure you've got everything you could need included

Always order a few more save the date cards or invites than you need - it saves hassle if you make a mistake, spill coffee or change your mind about your guest list

Don't be afraid to ask to tailor stationery to your needs and wants. Remember this is for your special day, so if you don't as you don't get!

Start planning as early as possible to make the process as enjoyable & stress free as possible.

If you find a supplier you like but you are still on the look out for other suppliers, try asking for recommendations.

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