Wedding Forum - Catering options - UPDATE** - Page 1

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Wedding Forum - Catering options - UPDATE**...

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    • georgie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I was wondering on peoples opinions:

    Option 1
    Canapes/champagne on arrival at venue followed by tea and cakes for day guests. In the evening a hog roast and buffet

    Option 2
    Canapes/champagne on arrival at venue followed by sit down meal for day guests. Buffet in evening

    Option 3
    Canapes/champagne on arrival at venue, selection of hot meals (big tray things) and then buffet in evening

    There will only be about 50 in the day and 80 at night.xx

    • millz090
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    It depends what you want honey and the prices.

    We really wanted a 3 course sit down formal meal so i would opt for option 2 but my borther got married earlier this year and they wanted a less formal affair so went for something similar to option 1 and it was really good sandwiches and cakes but i was sooooo hungry by the evening so personal choice xxx

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    • Elliekitty
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm having mulled wine on arrival, with no canpes etc due to getting married at 2, i assume people would of had something to nibble on before they came and need to keep costs down. Canapes cost a fortune at our venue! Then having a sit down meal and an evening buffet at night.

    I've got 40 guests for the day and 80 at night x

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    ---Winter 2013 Bride ---

    • georgie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    H2b likes the idea of a 2 course meal in the day and then bacon/pork rolls and buffet at night. We're having a reception in a village hall so not a posh do.
    o people really need canapes?

    • georgie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    What do you think to a bbq in the day with buffet?

    • millz090
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    BBQ sounds a lovely idea, you and your H2B need to decide what you both want.... Canapes are nice to nibble on but i think they are a bit pouncy and people dont always like them so dont see the point but again its personal choice xxx

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    • Elliekitty
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    BBQ does sound lovely! Canapés are great nibbles as millz said, however they do generally cost a lot. x

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    ---Winter 2013 Bride ---

    • StephanieN63
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    at my wedding we are havin option 2

    • barbie86
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    For me it'd be option 2, unless option 1 also includes sandwiches, in which case it's a toughie, and would depend for me on my guests (eg as a guest myself, I would actually prefer tea, sandwiches and cakes for the wedding breakfast, as I don't really like drinking or having a heavy meal in the day), the time, the season, etc.
    • Lulu1388
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    It's what you and your H2B want in all honesty... and what prices/budget it is!
    we've got similar numbers to you and have got canapes/wine followed by sit down meal then buffet in evening.
    BBQ does sound lovely though :) xx

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    • barbie86
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Also, re canapes: personally, I think it's quite important to have something for guests to eat before the meal, as photos etc can take a while, and factor in their travel time and time spent at the ceremony, and they may not have eaten for hours. They can also be as 'poncy' or simple as you want; ours are a mixture, as we have some 'foodie' guests, and some who really don't care for fancy food.
    • georgie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I have to remember im also feeding a load of farmers! I swear they eat more than most and not sure canapes are there thing, infact when i first mentioned them to h2b his response was - whos that! Oh dear not a good start.
    Im not sure whether to do a full on sit down meal or one of those hot buffet type things. We can have waitresses but they suggeted having them for the top table and the others help themselves.
    Theres way toooooo many options x

    • georgie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Barbie, we're not having photos as such, we've got someone coming to the house and then at the church only. I dont want posed photos (sorry if i offend) as its just not us so my sisters man and my dads friends and just going to be in the background taking natural ones.x

    • AmyP7
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We are having option two, and not having canapés as they are really expensive at our venue for what they are. So hoping people will eat before the wedding. We are getting married at 2 x x

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    • georgie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Can you just do a 2 course sit down say with main and pudding or is that just weird?

    • Glitterfairy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    It's up to you and what you want. I wanted something where people were not tied to having what was there so went for a buffet. This is limited though as it is cold meats, quiches, salads etc. We are only having the one meal, however, I really really wanted for the evening the fish and chip supper that my venue does. We ended up with the one meal as could not decide who to come to the first and who to the second.

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    • barbie86
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    In that case, I'd say you could possibly save and not have them; our drinks reception will be about 1.5 hours, so for us they're a must lol.

    Also re photos: I would honestly think quite carefully about not having any posed/group photos. We really didn't want any at first, but then we realised this will be the only memento of our day, and our families also want a memento, and want family photos etc. They don't have to take ages or be really posed and formal; so, maybe just think about it :-)
    • Mrsbayliss2B
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I vote option 2, this is what I'm having :-) but I do also love the hog roast idea, just not keen on tea and cakes :-) x
    • Laura JaneW
      CommentAuthorLaura JaneW
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Im doing option 2 also without canapes. I will need to bring a wee sandwich with me for my wee one who will likely be hungry before the meal though haha. I am having a sweet cart though that guests will help themselves to while pictures are taken. :)
    • georgie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We're going to have the usual family photos at the church and the ones at the house will be with me and the boys so we are having some just didnt fancy any at a village hall although we are taking bales of straw and benches for out side.
    We're not big on posh stuff i want a really laid back day x

    • georgie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    we're having a sweety table as h2b is a sweet - o - holic x
    Ive bought some pick and mix bags so people can just help themselves.
    I also need to do a kiddy option for food x

    • barbie86
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    If you're having a laid-back day, I would probably go with afternoon tea, a BBQ, or a buffet; you can def get away with a buffet or BBQ for 50 (wouldn't recommend it for any more than that; had a buffet for 90 at my parents anniversary party and it took a LONG time for everyone to get up and get food). That way, everyone can pick what they want, and for me, it adds to the laid back feel in a way that a formal sit-down meal just doesn't.

    You could still have a seating plan, and call people up by table number, to add a bit of structure (could get chaotic otherwise).
    • AmberG30
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm just having a supper big pimp buffet and considering a massive truckle-on-truckle cheese pyramid instead of the traditional cake. Get the crackers and red wine out!
    • Sam
    georgie - you're not the only one that doesn't like posed photos.
    I agree with the others if you want laid back day have the tea, bbq or hog roast. Instead of canapes you could always just lay out bowls of crisps, nuts, platters veg w/dips, etc. More laid back but serves the same purpose. :)
    • SamanthaG76
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I would go for option 2. But it's a matter of personal preference. We're having a 3 course meal in the day and a buffet in the night inc. bacon butties :-) x

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    • MrsEminson2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i would go for option 2 but that is my personal preference as the other ladies have said... we are having a sit down meal for day guests then a BBQ in the evening xx

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    • georgie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    None of the above lol
    We are going to have a sort of sit down meal. Top table will have waitress service and the rest will go up and be served from the food table. We are not having a starter just straight onto a main course where there will be different options such as a curry, beef something, cut meats and buffet and then a selection of desserts. In the evening we are having bacon butties, portion of battered fish and chips and more salad bits and again a selection of desserts.
    No canapes just drinks on arrival and as someone suggested above (thank you) bowls of nuts and crisps and things to nibble on.
    Yay decision made.xx

    • CharlotteB32
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Yey. Glad you made your decision. And it sounds like a good one!

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