Wedding Forum - When should i visit the florist? - Page 1

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    • mrscooper2beee
    Im getting married in March and only having real flowers for my bouqet, but have no idea when i should speak to a florist to arrange it. Any ideas??
    • Mrs Steer
      CommentAuthorMrs Steer
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    whenever hun no harm in going to see what you want, discussin prices now. I had to book mine so they could do the day cos they get booked up quick xx

    Is now happily married to my gorgeous man

    • mrscooper2beee
    yeh i kinda know what i want, i just wasnt sure how long things take.
    • CommentAuthorsarahwasabride
    you could go soon and order them. not sure how long they take but i sopose the earliest it is done the better xxx
    • dizzydora4
    we get married in September and booked our florist last week. One more thin crossed off the list x
    • Mrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      CommentAuthorMrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Florists often only do one wedding a weekend, or a couple of small ones, so you'll b best booking it now.

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    Now a extremely happy German housewife and now a Mother!!!!
    Islay Jean born 24th June in Hannover.
    • mummyto2
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    go now and book it hun

    Members signature icon
    im a married women now
    mrs carson-moores

    i love my hubby and my kids with all my heart and soul
    • Chrissy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Booked mine 2 years in advance as our wedding's in August and they get really busy. Depending on the size of the florist will depend on how many they can do in a day. Mine told me booking early was sensible so I'd say go for it! xxx

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    JD is taken so I'll settle for being Mrs Marge :o)

    • Zoe81
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I've already looked at one florist and am planning on visiting another one soon with my Mum, I want to get it booked sooner rather than later! The I need to sort the photographer...........does this ever end!? lol

    Z x
    • sami & Paul
      CommentAuthorsami & Paul
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i am going to go and book mine in a couple of weeks x

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    soon to be Mrs Anderson!!!!!

    • felicity.h
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    book it asap i think they normally say 12-9 months before the big day but thats just to make it easier to find one for your day especially in the summer months, but there are always places that can cater to your needs. xx

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