Wedding Forum - florists in lancashire? - Page 1

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Wedding Forum - Florists in lancashire?...

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    • Rebecca
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    we've been told now that my dad and his girlfriend can't do the flowers any more as they've broken up so now we're having to do them ourselves. does anyone know of any reasonably priced florists in the lancashire area? altho we are thinking we might go to Asda and pick up SEVERAL bunches of Roses and some lillies and make our own for less but i would like thistles and can only get them through a florist!!! lol x
    • GummyBaby
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    oh dear, sorry to hear that. ummm, i'll try and google for you ^.^ x x x
    • GummyBaby
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I suck with the map!! I've googled 'florists in lancashire' for you, and quite a few have come up, if you do that and see which one's are closest to you, your best bet is to probably go to these florists when you have some time and get a quote on thistles. Thats all i can think, sorry for being almost compleatly useless >.< x x x
    • Rebecca
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    no it's okay!!! lol there are a few here but i don't know whether they are good or reasonably priced!!! lol but thankyou for trying for me!!!! xxx
    • Walesfromafar
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I can ask at my florist up the road if you like. I'm in Gorton. Let me know what you want and I'll ask. I need to go and see her about my centrepieces anyway. She does loads of really pretty normal flowers but think she specialises in fakes mainly as we're really near the cemetry. Just send me a normal message and I'll ask. Otherwise I think it's just a matter of google mapping it and spending several hours on the phone x

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