Wedding Forum - Caterers/DIY catering! - Page 1

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    • CommentAuthorJulia22
    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking into caterers atm and they're just soooo expensive for what you get!! All we want is a finger buffet where people look at the food and know what's in it, nothing too posh, you know? Anyway I wonder if anyone's got some good advice for caterers, the wedding is in Stevenage.

    Alternatively we will just do it ourselves and buy everything and hire some fridges! Any tips there?

    Much appreciated xx
    • XLittleMissMe!X
    Just be careful if you do it yourself and make sure you do have enough storage for the food as you don't want to poison everyone. Also make sure there is a family member of friend you can trust to serve it all up and take it away in time before things have time to breed bacteria etc.

    Sorry can't help source a caterer but how about asking a catering college to help out?

    • sbride
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Hi hun, I will put a link on your wall of who is doing my catering, I think they will come to you as they are not that far, they are very reasonable and very good. They have done alot of functions for my family, ie weddings, parties, christening, funerals. Hope they can help u out x

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    I am now Mrs Stacey Stiles and loving it!

    • sbride
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    your profile is restricted hun so cant put the link on your wall

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    I am now Mrs Stacey Stiles and loving it!

    • Happilymarried Mrs G
      CommentAuthorHappilymarried Mrs G
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Sbride can you post the link on my wall too?
    We are doing a lot of our own catering and have help from trusted friends, me, my dad and the friends helping us have all worked in kitchens and have completed at leats basic hygiene, but if i can find affordable caterers offering a good deal then i would be interested in convincing h2b and decreasing my workload.
    • linzi
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    have you tried your local hospital kitchen? i know it sounds odd! my sister is a baker in our local major hospital and they often do functions. I went to one at the local rec hall and the food was fab! loads of platters of things and very cheap. Or your local collage maybe?

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    • mym72
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    If you decide on doing your own catering, have a look at costco. You need membership to shop there - but you can pick up ready made buffet foods such as sandwich platters, oriental snacks and pizza (ready cooked) in bulk and cheap. We're thinking of doing our own catering for our evening reception so think we'll be shopping there (taking notebook and pen to 'price up' everything first lol).

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    • momari
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    we wanna do buy ourselves but if caterers can do for £6.20 for head its pointless.maybe you save couple £ but its realy worth it? its your day to relax.

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