Kerry Bannister
Kerry Bannister 5 Feb 2023

Survival Kits

For our wedding we’ve hired an entire small holiday park of hot tub lodges, people will be sharing lodges with 2 to 4 other guests. So I’ve purchased everything for my ‘Hangover/Survival Kits’ Do you think I have anything missing: Nail Files Paracetamol Chewing gum Expanding Face cloth Coffee Eye masks (gel refreshing ones) Ear Plugs Hair scrunches matching my colour scheme for the ladies. Personalised bottle openers for the men. I’ve also got white hand cloths to turn into tiny little bears and leave one on each bed before guests arrive, everyone needs a wash cloth.

Nayara Noiz celino
Nayara Noiz celino 5 Feb 2023

Good idea 👍


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