UKbride Member Request 16 Oct 2022

Wedding favours

Have about 200 guests and not sure on what to do for our wedding favours? Any advice would be appreciated!

Anca Naciu
Anca Naciu 16 Oct 2022

I’ve recently seen some pretty candles with natural dried flowers. My personal favourite and what I think I’ll do for my wedding is a photobooth with printable magnets which will stand for favours. Win-win, this way you don’t have to pay extra for favours and your guests will end up with something to remind them on your wedding that they won’t throw in the bit two days later 😅

Hollie Summerfield-Brice
Hollie Summerfield-Brice 29 Jan 2023

If you’re looking at keeping price down, I’ve been to weddings where the favour was chocolates, the bride and groom purchased boxes of chocolates and just shared them out in little gift boxes , 4 in a box , I’ve even been to weddings where the truffles were homemade :)
Spring weddings mini eggs are always a great hit


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