Aimee Weedon
Aimee Weedon 14 Mar 2021

Invitation COVID wording

Our wedding is booked for 25th June, which is 4 days after all social restrictions may be lifted. We’re trying to put our wording together for our main invites. We’re currently going to invite everyone we were going to originally (60+), but if social restrictions are not lifted on the 21st, we’re going to have to drastically cut our numbers within a few days! We want to put a ‘fun’ message onto our invites regarding COVID and the fact we are inviting everyone we would want and this will likely be the first big gathering anyone has had (and probably the first time people have been out drinking so there will be some sore heads in the morning!), but there's a change we will have to quickly uninvite guests if restrictions change. Does anyone have any wording suggestions we could use as we're struggling to come up with anything? Thanks

Sapphire Jones
Sapphire Jones 17 Mar 2021

Do you know who you are having if you do have to drastically cut numbers? We have a list for who will be there if numbers are 15, 30 or the whole lot. With the wording maybe something along the lines of you want them there but if restrictions are still in place we would still love to have you for the ones you have space for and the ones you dont sorry covid has got in the way? That way no one is waiting to find out if they are or arent coming with a couple days notice?

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

Something simple stating that the current plan is of course dependent on the easing of restrictions scheduled for xx/xx going ahead.

Guessing you don't want to provisionally uninvite people at this stage.

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

We are in a similar position - we’re getting married on 8th July and we are planning to send out Plan A and Plan B in our invites in case we have to drastically cut numbers! We have selected our 30 core guests and we plan to include that info on their plan B section of the invite. We are then going to stream our wedding on YouTube if we are only allowed 30 so for our other guests Plan B will explain that! I hope that makes sense! I think everyone will understand that Brides and Grooms are having to make last minute decisions so I wouldn’t worry about how people might react!

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

Same here 👰🏻🤵🏻

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

25th June is our weddding date,
Due to covid final numbers will have to wait,
Although we want everyone of you there to share our special day,
The government will have the final say.

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

We get married on26th June and invites have been sent again should of got married last July .. we haven’t put anything to anyone that they may be cut out. If restrictions aren’t lifted we know who we will have to call to say sorry to and they will understand so don’t worry to much x

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

I wonder if it's worth just handing them the invite without special wording, but then saying to them that naturally situations may end up changing. A year into all this uncertainty and I think people will know by now that everything is subject to change.

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

We’re the 25th of June too. I’m still not sure what to do about numbers, it’ll be a case of waiting til the last minute to make a decision I think 😒 I desperately hope we can have our full numbers (40) and don’t have to cancel guests x

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

We’re getting married the 26th June, 70 guests and I’ve told our guests to be prepared for short notice. My partner joked saying we should make “you’ve made the cut” invites if we have to do a smaller number wedding

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

What about something like this? Just had a go at a poem...

We are planning for the wedding we always dreamed of,

With all our guest with us and we say our vows with love,

But it's been such a roller-coaster for such a long time,

We have a back up plan just incase which has been cut very fine,

We hope you know how much we would love everyone to be with us,

But please respect any last minute changes without a fuss,

But don't hesitate we will still celebrate together,

Because as husband and wife we have a lifetime forever 💖

UKbride Member 19 Mar 2021

We are 22nd may which is 5 days after it changes from 15 to 30. We have sent out virtual invites to our 30 (to save money on sending several invites as already postponed before) and mentioned if restrictions arent lifted then unfortunately things will have to be scaled back and it will be parents and siblings only. Everyone else who hasnt been invited has been so understanding and we are having our big bash reception later in the year with everyone who was originally invited anyway x

UKbride Member 21 Mar 2021

Wedding twin! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Hope you have a fabulous day!

UKbride Member 22 Mar 2021

We are the 3rd we are going to send a invite basically saying your invited but things may change ask everyone (that can) for an email address and will set up a wedding website so that all updates can be put there and will mean less people to call x


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